
Lisa Love

Coordinating Producer – SciGirls

Company: Twin Cities PBS (TPT)
Role: Podcast Presenter  /  Session Presenter  /  Webinar Presenter

Webinar: It’s STILL a big fat deal!
Post: Podcast Ep. 11 – What’s the Big Fat Deal?

Linkedin: @lisa-love-tpt

Lisa Love is currently a coordinating producer at Twin Cities PBS working on the Emmy award-winning PBS kids show SciGirls. She is also an amateur size activist and has been super morbidly obese for much of her life. Lisa understands first-hand the challenges people of size face in employment, healthcare and social situations. Lisa is a champion for equity and is an ally for all diversity dimensions.

Lisa loves public speaking and has extensive experience training staff in systems, data concepts and financial analysis. She enjoys occasionally scaring herself by doing stand-up comedy at open mics. Lisa presented, “What is the BIG FAT DEAL?” at the 2018 Forum during one of the Spotlight Sessions.

The Forum on Workplace Inclusion®
2211 Riverside Ave, CB 54
Minneapolis, MN 55454
(612) 373-5994

Photos by Sarah Morreim Photography
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