Building a Future World Where DEI Leads
90-minute Workshops
Day 3
Session Code: S5-HWhen: April 18, 2019
Location/Room: M 101 AB
Level: Intermediate
Track: Innovation & Transformation
Presenters: Natasha Aruliah, Intercultural, Diversity, Equity & Social Justice (IDE&SJ) Inc. | Melanie Harrington, Vibrant Pittsburgh | Dr. Niru Kumar, ASK Insights, New Delhi, India | Mercedes Martin, Mercedes Martin & Company | Duncan Smith, ADC Associates
Many DEI advocates around the world are mobilizing to help ensure that diversity, equity and inclusion are strong forces in the world’s future. There is concern that if DEI practitioners and others don’t become more future-fluent and serve as activists and change agents to influence our global future that other forces will take the lead.
To help ensure a future where DEI leads, The Centre for Global Inclusion and The FutureWork Institute have embarked on a DEI Futures Initative to determine actions we can take now to positively influence our future. More than 150 people have been involved in determining actions we can take individually and collectively to lead our future.
This session will both inform you on progress to date and welcome your ideas and plans to join in a global effort to ensure DEI is an influential force in our future. Four presenters who have been actively involved in the DEI Futures Initiative will facilitate this discussion by sharing highlights of our thinking and learning, and engaging participants in discussion on ways to increase our influence. Others involved in the Initiative will facilitate table group discussions.
Learning Outcomes
- Learn how you can prepare yourself to be an influencer to help ensure that DEI is a substantial force in our future world.
- Learn about resources, skills and techniques to help you become more future-fluent and to apply those in sectors/industries/communities/regions where you work and live.
DEI Futures 2019 FORUM slides