Building Blocks for Creating a Respectful Workplace

3-hour Seminars

Day 1

Session Code: SEM-B
When: April 16, 2019
Location/Room: M 100 E
Level: Introductory
Track: D&I Strategy
Presenter: Kendra Dodd, MRA


We all have to start somewhere to create positive change in our workplaces. The question is, where do you begin? This session will help you understand the key founding principles and building blocks for cultivating a more aware, engaged, and inclusive culture in your workplace. The session will guide you in determining how to set the standard for a more inclusive culture.

Core behavior building blocks will be discussed, and methods for navigating differences will be explored. This program will also help participants to develop give-and-take relationships that enhance understanding and mutual respect, acknowledge the needs and feelings of others, and focus on the positive aspects of conflict and values differences. The session will provide clear, actionable steps that participants can take to create the more respectful and inclusive culture they desire.

Learning Outcomes
  1. Differentiate and identify behaviors that may violate others’ comfort zones and transgress the boundaries of appropriate behavior in the workplace.
  2. Recognize the impact of actions upon others, the organization, and the individual.
  3. Effectively communicate that a behavior is unwelcome.

The Forum on Workplace Inclusion®
2211 Riverside Ave, CB 54
Minneapolis, MN 55454
(612) 373-5994

Photos by Sarah Morreim Photography
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