Distance Bias 2.0—Assessing Your Organization’s Digital Inclusion Habits
90-minute Workshops
Day 2
Session Code: S2-BWhen: March 11, 2020
Location/Room: L100ABC
Level: Intermediate
Track: Critical Employment Practices
Presenters: Trina Hoefling, Universities of Denver and Southern California | Kathy Kacher, Career/Life Alliance Services; The SMART Workplace
The future of work is a reversal of a 350-year trend. Work and home are coming back together, like the farm only better, because you can work anywhere. People don’t have to go to a place to be connected. Unfortunately, many of our organizations, managers and even individual contributors are not keeping pace with this dramatic change. What can your organization do to insure people, at every level of the organization, are feeling included, empowered and comfortable with your company’s digital direction?
As a DEI leader, you are in an excellent position to lead this charge and insure people are aware of distance bias and committed to keeping an inclusive culture, no matter where or how colleagues are working. During this interactive session, we will examine how to measure distance bias at an organizational level, leadership level and employee level. Participants will be able to take away and apply the effective, constructive actions presented.
Learning Outcomes
- Assess distance bias and its impact on the organization, leadership and employees
- Identify current practices that are causing distance bias and steps you can take to update them to align with the digital workplace
- Develop an action plan to help leaders and employees stay visible and connected