32nd Annual Conference

March 10-12, 2020

Minneapolis Convention Center, Minnesota

(CANCELED) GBA-What? An Intersectional Approach to Inclusion

90-minute Workshops

Day 2

Session Code: S3-G
When: March 11, 2020
Location/Room: L100G
Level: Intermediate
Track: Government
Presenter: Barb McLean, City of Edmonton



The City of Edmonton is refreshing its diversity and inclusion framework and has implemented a Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA+) model to emphasize equity and self-reflection as a way to ensure we are inclusive in all we do. Through the exploration of our GBA+ process and tool, this workshop will highlight how self-reflection, research, and engagement are critical to inclusive business practices.

We will review how the City of Edmonton has incorporated this intersectional lens into our systems and structures in order to spark systemic and interpersonal change, and share our successes and lessons learned. Participants will leave the workshop with practical tools to help them be more inclusive in their work, and strategies to support systemic changes in their organizations.

Learning Outcomes
  • Identify your social location and how this informs your worldview, perspectives and work
  • Describe the principles and steps of GBA+, an inclusion and equity analysis
  • Apply an intersectional lens to specific case studies

The Forum on Workplace Inclusion®
2211 Riverside Ave, CB 54
Minneapolis, MN 55454

Photos by Sarah Morreim Photography
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