Achieving Pay Equity: Analysis, Audits and Taking Action
90-minute Workshops
Day 2
Session Code: S3-AWhen: April 6, 2022
Level: Intermediate
Track: Critical Employment Practices
Presenters: Miloney Thakrar, Mind the Gender Gap, Inc. | Siân Webb, Gapsquare
Achieving pay equity has never had a greater global spotlight or influence on employer brand. Yet as pay, reward, and broader compensation models become more intelligent—and more complex—identifying what makes a role equal becomes challenging.
This session provides unmissable access to Siân Webb, vice president of Partnerships & Growth at Gapsquare, and Miloney Thakrar, founder and principal at Mind the Gender Gap, Inc. Learn the different ways to undertake pay equity audits, interpret the results of a pay equity audit, and how to build a business case for conducting them.
Learning Outcomes
• Understand the different ways of undertaking pay equity audits
• Interpret data-driven results of pay equity audits and how they can impact your organization
• Build a suitable business case for undertaking pay equity, and engage stakeholders