35th Annual Conference

March 27-29, 2023


Crafting a Theory of Change to Advance DEI: A Case Study

90-minute Workshops

Day 2

Session Code: S5-D
When: March 28, 2023
Level: Intermediate
Track: DEI Strategy
Presenters: Miloney Thakrar, Mind the Gender Gap, Inc.  |  Demetrius Wallace, Sila Nanotechnologies
Prerequisite: Review: handout on Using Theory of Change in DEI; example DEI Data Dashboard; example Theory of Change; stakeholder map template; case study


This case study will take a deep dive into how a high-growth tech startup adopted a data storytelling approach to DEI strategies. It highlights how the company engaged a wide range of stakeholders (both internal and external to the company) when implementing those DEI strategies.

This session also explores how those strategies were then translated into measurable goals to track incremental progress and then discusses how the startup identified various stakeholders and partners to further bolster their DEI efforts. Finally, it surfaces some of the key challenges, lessons learned, and promising practices of establishing buy-in across various stakeholders when implementing DEI strategies.

Learning Outcomes:

• Gain better understanding on how data storytelling (and specifically a Theory of Change) can be used to inform DEI strategies
• Learn how a company’s broader vision for DEI can be translated into actionable, measurable goals and KPIs to track incremental progress
• Surface the key challenges and promising practices of engaging multiple stakeholders (both internal and external) to bolster DEI efforts

The Forum on Workplace Inclusion®
2211 Riverside Ave, CB 54
Minneapolis, MN 55454
(612) 373-5994

Photos by Sarah Morreim Photography
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