Conquer Your Mental Fitness: Strengthening Your Capacity for Empathy, Respect and Inclusion
60-minute Workshop
Day 2
Session Code: S3-AWhen: March 28, 2023
Level: Intermediate
Track: Critical Employment Practices
Presenter: Amy Yip, Amy Yip Coaching
Why is change so hard? Why are we all feeling so much stress, anxiety, and frustration (especially within the DEI world)?
Mental fitness is the X-factor to transform a workplace culture to one that is thriving: anchored in deep empathy, mutual respect, and inclusion. And it starts with us as individuals. The more mentally fit you are, the greater capacity you’ll have to handle all the constantly changing internal and external forces at play. Your level of mental fitness is directly linked to increased energy, performance, and innovation so you can lead positive change.
Good news! You can boost your mental fitness significantly with practice!
During this workshop, we will unpack:
• What mental fitness is and why it matters
• The three core muscles at the root of mental fitness
• Recognizing how you tend to self-sabotage (and strategies/practices for facing your saboteurs)
• Practical exercises for building your mental muscles
Learning Outcomes:
• Articulate what mental fitness is and why it matters to support us in how we respond to the constantly changing forces around us
• Understand and apply mental fitness skills and practices to increase capacity for handling complexity and change
• Catch survival and stress responses and redirect energy toward driving positive change