Racial Justice at Work: Using Qualitative and Quantitative Data to Amplify Anti-Racist Practices
Featured Sessions
Day 1
Session Code: FS-1BWhen: March 27, 2023
Level: Intermediate
Track: Critical Employment Practices
Presenters: Gabrielle Gayagoy Gonzalez, The Winters Group, Inc. | Leigh Morrison, The Winters Group, Inc. | Mareisha Reese, The Winters Group, Inc. | Thamara Subramanian, The Winters Group, Inc.
Prerequisite: Foundational understanding of DEI definitions
If organizations are really going to hold themselves accountable to data-driven standards that correct racial inequities, we need both qualitative and quantitative methods. A justice-centered approach to data analysis, often conducted as equity or civil rights audits, requires us to acknowledge and address the impact of culture and power within organizations.
During this session, we will walk through a justice-centered framework for creating accountability measures for equitable cultural change and you’ll have the opportunity to practice creating justice-centered metrics as they relate to employee well-being, talent acquisition, learning and development, and supply chain and procurement.
Learning Outcomes
• Reflect on key questions and considerations for how to better measure equity and justice across organizational goals
• Identify possible models that embed justice across organizational goals (i.e., professional development, procurement, talent acquisition)
• Ideate and practice creating justice-centered measures of impact for organizational goals to measure collective capacity for change