Ep. 21 – Building a Healthy Occupational Identity While Working in DEI


In this episode of The Forum Podcast, Johnanna Ganz, Ph.D. (J. Ganz Consulting) explores occupational identity (OI), and how you can develop and sustain a healthier connection to your job.

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Most people do not know what occupational identity (OI) is or how it impacts every single part of our lives. This impact is significantly amplified when the work is more than “just a job.” Many working in careers focused on social and cultural change view their careers as an extension of their beliefs and core values; their occupations are a key part of how they express what matters to them. Yet, many professionals do not know how to name or manage the connection between the sense of self and the working world. An inability to name and manage OI exposes workers and agencies to risks. Yet, well-managed OI reduces risks and leads to healthier individuals and organizations. This podcast is designed for listeners ready to enhance their DEI work through understanding and applying occupational identity.

Learning Outcomes
  • Listeners will be able to name and explore the concept of occupational identities
  • Listeners will identify 2-3 risks associated with unmanaged occupational identity
  • Listeners will select 1-2 concrete strategies on how to continue to develop and sustain a healthier connection to their jobs and/or apply content to DEI work.
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