Is Self-Awareness a Skill That Can Be Developed?

When: September 1, 2016
Level: Introductory
Track: Leadership Development
Presenters: Mary Casey, BrainSkills@Work, LLC  |  Shannon Murphy, BrainSkills@Work

High self-awareness is essential for leaders to consistently demonstrate and model inclusive behaviors. From a brain perspective, however, self-awareness fluctuates and is not always available. So how can neuroscience help us?

In this engaging webinar, participants will explore a case study involving leaders who increased their self-awareness and ability to stay aware of their biases and behaviors. The leaders took a self-assessment based on seven key neuroscience dimensions and gained insight into their own self-awareness tendencies. They learned and applied brain-based tools and strategies for learning to recognize and re-engage self-awareness – even in challenging situations.

With more self-awareness skills, a majority of leaders reported an increased ability to challenge their own assumptions and biases, see things from others’ perspectives, be open to feedback, and consciously choose behaviors of inclusion. You will leave the session with insight into what improved the leader’s self-awareness and two key strategies you can use to increase self-awareness in yourself and the leaders in your organization.

View recording here

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