20-minute Spotlight Sessions
Day 2
Session Code: Spotlight
When: April 17, 2019
Level: Introductory
Track: Leadership Development
Presenter: Suri Surinder, CTR Factor, Inc.
Leadership is traditionally regarded as tough terrain to master, with many heuristics and homilies, but few scientific principles. Most of these treatments of leadership miss the fundamental, counter-intuitive truth – great leaders don’t lead. Instead, they get others to want to follow. Leadership is the ultimate, magnificent act of free will on the part of those who follow, and the awesome, magical secret of great leaders is that they have figured out how to make that act happen consistently and predictably. CTR Factor explores the science of gravitational leadership by examining the currencies that need to be earned (Credibility, Trust & Respect), assets that need to be built (Results, Relationships, & Resources), and investments that need to be made (Capabilities, Character, & Competencies). This flagship keynote product from CTR Factor takes audiences on a fascinating personal leadership journey of experiential learning that transformed the speaker from cab driver to senior executive. The lessons learned along the way are woven into a radically different leadership model, and leveraged systematically and sequentially to derive specific leadership techniques that can be used the next day. Entertaining story-telling and insightful model-building at its scintillating best.
Webinar Video