Presented by: Judy Ryan
Learning Outcomes
1. Taking steps to increase 4 core feelings (at work, home, school or community) to eliminate shame and increase healthy belonging and significance.
2. Steps to redirect power struggles (one of 5 patterns) when people believe “might makes right” and “win/lose” is how life works.
3. Forgiving self by knowing 4 steps of change: Unconsciously unhelpful, CONSCIOUSLY UNHELPFUL (get kind), consciously helpful, unconsciously helpful.
Challenged by poor behavior in others? Tired of harshness AND permissiveness in reaction to it? What do you do, think, and say when people annoy you, anger you, hurt you, worry you or insult you? Are you looking for ways to gain cooperation with adults and children and effect change without diminishing yourself or others? Want effective alternatives to harshness or permissiveness when facing poor behavior? This presentation is for anyone challenged with poor behavior, who wants an effective resolution that preserves the dignity of all involved and improves relationships and a positive sense of community in all.