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Adrienne Kimball

Chief Talent Officer

Company: Rubicon Programs
Role: Session Presenter

Post: Podcast Ep. 63: Dismantling Systems of Oppression from the Inside Out

Adrienne Kimball was appointed chief talent officer of Rubicon Programs, a large nonprofit in Northern California, in 2017. She has been instrumental in building engagement, equity and inclusion, and capacity-building initiatives at Rubicon. Adrienne works to liberate and multiply the genius and leadership gifts of marginalized people and communities. She believes doing so is the only way to sustainably transform the world.

Adrienne is passionate about coaching and leveraging her experience to centering the margins. She connects via podcasting, small group and conference speaking, and consulting with organizations seeking transformational change. Adrienne was named the 2017 Tipping Point Community Hero and was the keynote speaker at the 2017 CAPLAW National Conference.

The Forum on Workplace Inclusion®
2211 Riverside Ave, CB 54
Minneapolis, MN 55454
(612) 373-5994

Photos by Sarah Morreim Photography
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