Anais Keenon

Disability Resources & Employment Specialist

Company: City of Portland
Role: Session Presenter

Anais Keenon is the disability resources and employment specialist at the City of Portland, where she is responsible for coordinating inclusive, equitable, and intersectional employment systems for persons with disabilities. As an experienced disability rights professional, Anais has worked in a multitude of international and domestic environments to support disability rights, including Haiti, Myanmar, and Indonesia. Most recently, she worked as a Social Security benefits counselor at Disability Rights Oregon, promoting employment opportunities for Oregonians with disabilities.

Anais holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Oregon and a master’s degree from Gallaudet University.

The Forum on Workplace Inclusion®
2211 Riverside Ave, CB 54
Minneapolis, MN 55454
(612) 373-5994

Photos by Sarah Morreim Photography
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