Nora Genster


Company: The Employment Transformation Collective
Role: Session Presenter

Nora Elena Genster is the director of The Employment Transformation Collective (ETC), housed at Northwest Center, and is firmly committed to building an employment landscape shaped by the principles of disability justice. Nora is a lifelong disability advocate with an academic and professional background in critical disability theory, employment equity, and impact evaluation.

She attended Georgetown University where she studied the intersection of disability, labor, and citizenship. At the Department of the Navy, Nora influenced organization-wide disability policy and procedure while serving in the offices of Equal Employment Opportunity, Data Analytics, and Executive Program Management.

Prior to assuming the director role at the ETC, Nora was a program manager with the nonprofit Understood where she built and deployed disability workplace inclusion programs and innovative qualitative data collection frameworks. She has previously presented at The Forum on Workplace Inclusion Annual Conference, and regularly presents, hosts workshops, and participates as a panel expert with a wide range of businesses and organizations.

As director of the ETC, Nora leverages her personal, academic, and professional expertise in anti-ableist business practices to empower employers to create environments where all employees, with and without disabilities, can do their best work.

The Forum on Workplace Inclusion®
2211 Riverside Ave, CB 54
Minneapolis, MN 55454
(612) 373-5994

Photos by Sarah Morreim Photography
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