Unconscious Bias E-Learning for a Global Audience: Lessons Learned

When: August 1, 2016
Level: Intermediate
Track: D&I Strategy
Presenter: Oana Amaria

From recent announcements by Google on their challenges with diversity, to the latest data on unconscious bias in the selection process, the need for understanding the impact of unconscious bias in the workplace has become a business imperative. Language & Culture Worldwide teamed up with Mercer’s Global Diversity & Inclusion Leaders to develop an “Introduction to Unconscious Bias” e-learning course as an enterprise wide solution for colleagues around the world. This webinar will share real stories on the dos and don’ts of e-learning design and development, and what it takes to successfully deploy to a global audience.

Learning Outcomes
  • Provide a framework and best practices for designing a relevant and impactful course for a global audience.
  • Showcase key concepts from the e-learning, demonstrating course interactivity, content, and how to design organization specific activities.
  • Present the latest e-learning techniques available for creating a highly interactive learning experiences online.
  • Share insights on project challenges, decisions made, and course feedback from the pilot.
Additional Files
Webinar PDF - Download

The Forum on Workplace Inclusion®
2211 Riverside Ave, CB 54
Minneapolis, MN 55454
(612) 373-5994

Photos by Sarah Morreim Photography
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