Level: Intermediate
Track: Social Responsibility
Presenters: Malii Watts Witten, EngageBetween | Tatyana Fertelmeyster, Connecting Differences, LLC
Cost: Free
Valuing diversity is easy. Navigating it in the heat of a political campaign is a different story.
Sharpen your skills at addressing diversity-related issues in a climate saturated by the 2020 U.S. presidential campaign. As Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) leaders, get in front of an unprecedented political atmosphere that filters through our workplaces and creates heightened sensitivity to identity-related trigger points.
This webinar will explore nuanced perspectives and complexities of addressing diversity-related “hot buttons” and consider ways for turning them into teachable moments.
Strengthen your capacity to champion, lead, and cultivate a culture of workplace inclusion in divisive times with this engaging and participatory webinar.
Learning Outcomes
- Identify practical and relevant steps to navigate the intersection between diversity and politics in the workplace
- Apply concepts of intent and impact within the 2020 U.S. presidential race and other real-world contexts
- Clarify the role of DEI practitioners in engaging identity politics