11:05:16 Hello everybody, welcome to the 2022 form on workplace inclusion. 11:05:23 This is of course a webinar for our presenters at the conference portion of forums theme year. 11:05:31 Of course the rest of the year includes podcasts and webinars and other events that we have planned already in our in the planning, but for right now, we of course are talking about the 2022 annual conference coming up on April, five through seven. 11:05:46 And just to note it, in case anyone's. Not sure this is a virtual conference again this year. Michaela you can go to the next slide. 11:05:54 My name is Steve hemerocallis I'm the executive director of the forum. And I've been around a while, next month will mark my 20th year at the forum. And when I started it was a very different kind of event, I said I would guess I would say very local 11:06:08 to the Twin Cities here in Minnesota, only. 11:06:12 And of course, now we have happy to say presenters from six of the seven continents we haven't cracked and paint article yet, but we're getting there. 11:06:22 And I know that on our call today, we have a representative Zelda from South Africa. And so, even our webinar this morning has a very global context to it. 11:06:38 Welcome to Zelda we're really excited to have folks from from South Africa and of course like I said from all all six of the mostly inhabited continents. 11:06:45 I will say just as a note I was talking to someone else in Cape Town yesterday, and it was very hot there and he was running a fan and here it was minus 20 Fahrenheit. 11:06:53 And I was definitely not running a fan so I'm sure it's although it's warm where you are. For those of us in Minnesota, it feels warm because it's 30 degrees here this morning and they will be focused on the expert campus for our home is who will be wearing 11:07:07 their shorts and their coats will be unzipped So I love that aspect of the forum community the forum family. We want to get to know you a little bit when we get started so we have a pole and Bennett you'll run out, pull the first question is have you 11:07:23 attended the forum conference before. 11:07:26 the forum conference before. How many of you have just been in attendance. 11:07:29 Being part of the, the forum conversation. And we see this poll is is adding up here. 11:07:41 Hopefully that open for just a bit of we. Looks like we have a slight preponderance of new folks which we love. 11:07:49 In any given year. We have a large number of folks who are new to the forum, organizations, companies continue to be president but they send different people every year. 11:07:58 And so we always have a new influx of folks who are very new to the conference experience. So it looks like up just a slight majority of you are new to us so that's really exciting to get your perspective so about the world and firstly I couldn't inclusion 11:08:12 and for that matter just about the form itself, going on to the next question. 11:08:30 So I'm going to guess 11 of you haven't, and nine of you, I'm presuming may have, right. See what these numbers come out to be. 11:08:36 So some of you have been attendees participants in the conference but not necessarily presenters, I love that too because we're going to get to hear your voices in a much deeper way than that, even just being a part of one of the sessions. 11:08:49 And then the final question for the polling here. How many times have you presented at the forum, and we just kind of threw out some random numbers here, 124, or five or more. 11:09:00 So let's see what that might be like. 11:09:04 We didn't give an answer of zero. So, we know that they're going to be some of you that, of course, have never presented before. 11:09:12 We love our returnees. All right, so I was a little so I'm extra surprised with these numbers I thought they'd be a little more in the two to four range, I'm very excited about the one time before. 11:09:20 And then of course we know we have our friends who have been consistent presenters at the forum proposing sessions for us, year after year after year. 11:09:28 So we're also really excited to see that number two. 11:09:31 All right. 11:09:32 We're going to go into just kind of what is the forum and what is the basis of of what we're trying to accomplish within the conference as well as the rest of the year of your programming, but just to give you a beginning start of what the form for us 11:09:47 framework is about. So, this is a journey. And we know that people are in different places in their journey both individually and as organizations, and for that matter as a society we're in different places, right. 11:09:59 So, we're going to try to meet people where they are in their journey. And, and to also note in this third bullet is something I added to some of the from the call for proposals presentation we did last summer for for this year's conference and that's 11:10:17 what happens at the forum is not just about the workplace. I know it says forum on workplace inclusion, but what happens in society has a direct impact on the workplace and the workplace can have a direct impact on society, we don't leave our identities 11:10:31 at the door we don't leave our issues at the door. And so this is a holistic approach when we're speaking to the forum. And so we will have personal development will have professional development organization development, all happening at the conference 11:10:44 and your proposals have made that possible. So this is something I really want to underscore more that what happens in society is about the workplace and vice versa. 11:10:53 So, just to say that as far as what our framework is, as we're talking about the forum, and the next slide Michaela. 11:11:01 So the forum, we are curators and convenience, we are not creators of content. We grabbed from around the world, the very best content we can provide them the very best expertise that we can find to bring people together so you see our tagline it's engaging 11:11:20 people, bouncing ideas, and therefore igniting change. So, we see the forum and all of our events as learning conferences that we are here to learn in learning development situation in diversity, equity and inclusion, and we discovered that by this all 11:11:35 the small group work that co creativity, the interactivity that we require of our presenters, that that builds a sense of community through this learning process. 11:11:45 When you are one on one with somebody else that you don't know or don't know well, or you're in a small group of similar folks, you start to understand who they are, you understand that some of you are very much alike. 11:11:59 Some of you are very much different, but you know that you're all on a common journey in this di space, and that's what builds the sense of community that's become a really important part of the forum. 11:12:09 It's not what we set out to do is simply what happened organically which is the best way for things to occur. 11:12:14 And then, in this revolve resolves about your role but go back to that slide Michaela back to the previous slide, that your role as as presented to the forum, you are those creators, you are the ones who are filling in the third leg of the stool curator 11:12:31 convener creator, and you are facilitators of the learning that's happening in your sessions, let me just point out, you are the expert in the front of the room. 11:12:40 You may not be the only expert in that room, there are other people who could also probably teach what you're talking about, or there are people, even as novices in the space, who may have an experience, or some sort of expertise in some other area of 11:12:54 expertise that can really change the whole outcome of the presentation you are giving by that co creative interactive process that we have asked you to do and all your sessions. 11:13:07 And so, you become the leader facilitator of the learning, not just about what you're going to present, but what the audience that you're presenting to might bring to the whole conversation. 11:13:16 So that is really a key part of how we build this forum community, and actually how we do our learning, because we learn from each other, co created. Now, Michaela we can go to that next slide. 11:13:35 The forum Spence a big chunk of our pandemic stay at home. Time to recreate our strategy we had a strategy before we wanted to revise it and and really look at it, based on our theme of last year workplace revolution and our theme of this you're solving 11:13:47 for x. And so our strategic priorities have been a little more low better refined and here they are. So we want to be leaders in the space, not in this, we want to use them to diversity, equity inclusion learning and development space once again we're 11:14:10 and curators, and so that is the key piece of of what we want to be to the US to the world. We do that of course through curation, we, we, we, latch on to all the creators out in the world that are that you represent, to be able to create the very best 11:14:22 cutting edge leading edge, leading edge. 11:14:25 Innovative presentations that will really push people to the next level, both in the workplaces and in society. 11:14:31 And we do that, that curation to the forging of alliances. And so, we are building alliances with you as individuals with you as your organization representatives of the organizations, and with other organizations globally, to be able to bring the very 11:14:45 very best to our audience, and then our, our, our fourth strategic priority to call it right out is to grow into a truly global community. It is possible in the future the forum will be doing events around the world, whether that's virtual or in person. 11:15:01 We like we said we already have six continents represented in our presentations. 11:15:06 But we want to do more of that, including doing some of this stuff maybe in other languages so that it's much more accessible to the folks in other parts of the world that are not native English speakers for example, so that's that's a bit of our strategy. 11:15:19 Now we're going to talk a little bit about the 2021 virtual forum the first virtual forum we ever did. This is just a bit of an idea of how many how many people were involved in you can see we had about 1200 people involved 210 percenters a whole bunch 11:15:34 of volunteers, although in the virtual space, about half as many as we needed in space. 11:15:40 You can see we had sponsor companies, about 28 of those, I think a significant thing is looking at 39 US states plus Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia, for the US and 13 countries which you can see in kind of the smaller print that were involved 11:15:54 in presentations and in participation last year at the conference, and almost 500 organizations from around the world, represented within that 1200 and 36 people that were involved. 11:16:07 So, the reach is pretty broad, and by the way just to say it, it was across all sectors of endeavor so yes healthcare and government and higher education and then the banking sector in the tech sector and manufacturing and retail, all of those sectors, 11:16:24 were represented by these 1200 and 36 people at the forum last year, and we present that same number or more, and the same sort of representation of for the 2022 virtual conference. 11:16:37 Next slide and Kayla. 11:16:39 And by the way, please do welcome Michaela She is our, our newest staff member at the forum, we're very excited to have her I think you're what in four weeks, three weeks to be three weeks into the, into the forum experience as an employee. 11:16:53 So welcome Michaela, just to say it our participants so they are leaders and managers of workplaces they are HR and talent acquisition folks they are di folks. 11:17:05 They represent employee resource groups and diversity consoles and organizational effective folks and academics and and so to say it half our attendees probably have worked in HR and di and the other half don't. 11:17:19 And so to say it half our attendees probably have worked in HR and di and the other half don't. And that is a key aspect because we're talking about an inclusive workplace. 11:17:31 We who work in this space on a daily basis. We create the plans we create the strategy programs and the learnings of all the things that we we put together. 11:17:32 But it's everybody else in our organizations that make our organizations inclusive. If those folks who don't work in the space were not a part of the forum, we only be, we'd be talking to the choir, and we only doing half of our work. 11:17:44 So it's very exciting to us, and it was a very organic growth over the years that about half of our attendees, do not work in this space. They kind of live in the space maybe that's the way to think about it. 11:17:56 Next slide. Kayla, we can get a few more of the demographics demographic aspects of our forum, our participants so you can see government healthcare higher ed nonprofit those are our industry tracks so we focused content on. 11:18:13 As you can see, about half our new to di, or at least are not practitioners of about 40% is the youngest generation and the one above it the millennials and the Gen Z is Vegas interesting that we were three quarters one quarter female to male ratio I'm 11:18:31 not sure quite what that's about. I'd like to see more men of any color and background and participating but yes, a lot of women are our participants. 11:18:41 As it says and as we know us and international, and then a little bit of demographics, based on us definitions just to say it. So you can see that. Not quite, half our people who look a lot like me. 11:18:54 And then, and then the mix of other ethnicities and races beyond that. And then as you can see, and so some of you have noticed that I've called out whenever possible for more advanced presentation. 11:19:06 Look at, look at our numbers, 46% almost half of our folks consider themselves advanced versus new media industry. 11:19:18 So, whenever and I'll talk about this in a minute. Whenever we can push the level of our learning that is key. 11:19:21 Just a little note about that learning so here are some of the learning styles that we're trying to make happen within the forum it's a little harder I kinesthetic is a little harder in a virtual space, but we're going to try. 11:19:32 Even in the virtual spaces we did it 2021, also in 2022, but these are the different kinds of learning styles that we are aiming toward. I certainly kind of the verbal, the spatial visual type of learner. 11:19:47 With a little bit of just a logical logical Belton notice my own kind of learning style. And so we're hoping that you'll be able to represent those kind of learning styles as much as possible within your presentations. 11:19:58 And then the next track. This is a actually the header on this is wrong, it should say tracks. 11:20:05 So you can see kind of a organizing principle around how we are doing, how we're doing our presentations that we have that you have presented are going to present for us. 11:20:16 So some of them are the basic tracks of employment practices or strategy, leadership, etc. Others other industry tracks. And then this year we're going to change it up a little bit. 11:20:25 So in the past we've had a nonprofit track. I think we had a technology track, before and a global track but sure, and we decided that whenever we were looking at the content in those spaces, they overlapped. 11:20:40 The broader tracks of employment practices strategy and things like that so we decided that we would instead embed those tracks into the others and so there might be a strategy presentation to someone's doing that has a global designation on it will have 11:20:56 have a little symbol to designate the global designation. 11:20:59 Same with technology, it might be a leadership space for this technology angle, and so it'll be designated as the technology session. So just think about that as you're presenting you'll see those things represented in your, in your sessions for when 11:21:17 are appropriate. That's something a little different this year. And then learning levels I referenced this before, these are our official definitions. You don't need to memorize some there on the website, and, and they'll be in this PowerPoint, of course 11:21:26 later. But the key thing of this that I want to emphasize is always present to the top of your level, go right to the edge before you fall into the next definition perhaps we were using these, these definitions to show with that content is so that there's 11:21:46 a constant for people to judge whether or not this is the best session for them, or what they can expect when they get there. So we want you to present at the highest possible intermediate or the highest possible introductory and of course advanced from 11:22:02 here to the moon is a possibility. 11:22:03 It's Poppy, you will likely have folks who are maybe novice or beginners for a lower level in your sessions that may grow more advanced or intermediate, that's okay. 11:22:13 We'll push them, but you always speak to the folks who are the most experienced in the room. So that's just a note about the learning levels. 11:22:21 Now on to the next slide, a little bit of kind of where you all came from. So there were 205 proposals this year, I think we actually have one more coming, that's just kind of filling in a blank that we needed. 11:22:33 As you can see, 4690 minute ones 1820 minute ones you can read them down, including our 10 webinars or 24 podcasts, some professional dog labs, which are new for us this year that we're working on that I referenced some new events that we're going to 11:22:49 be working on new, new learning opportunities, and even the doors executive forum we have one that's a virtual at the forum this year. In April, we actually have an in person one coming up in June, so we're really excited about moving back into the real 11:23:02 world, again, and hopefully that folks will be able to move with us in that. 11:23:07 Next slide, is a little bit of important information so just to underscore, we are virtual again this year. 11:23:14 We are both synchronous, so your workshops and your featured sessions will be live sessions that everyone in the space will be in real time. And then we have the asynchronous ones our trend talks and our spotlights that will be pre recorded and available, 11:23:31 in the, in the version of in the case of the trend talks available at certain time will start available at certain times throughout the conference in the case of the spotlight still be available from the very beginning of the conference and really all 11:23:44 through. And of course, just under, underscore, April five to seven, are the days of the conference and your sessions are being recorded. 11:23:52 All the small group work will be edited out so that that's not part of the recordings, and then anyone who has been attending the conference this year will have three months after the conference to watch any session that they did attend or they weren't 11:24:07 able to get to. So we'll have available the for all your presentations for three months after the conference on the path of platform which is again our conference platform. 11:24:18 And for those of you who are, who, who work with us in the past, stage time productions is are contracted with helping us with the actual logistics of making your sessions come live, and they will be reaching out to you. 11:24:34 that a bit later. To be able to help you create your presentations in this virtual space. 11:24:40 Also, let's returning this year, our, we have our bonus sessions again, we are working on the book readings that we had last year. 11:24:48 The diversity second forum, as I said, is coming back. We'll also have a documentary film on Tuesday evening. That will have a pre watch on the film itself and then discussion at the conference on Tuesday evening will have receptions and networking, of 11:25:03 course, as we have in the past, feature sessions, those are three hour deep dive sessions that I referenced a minute ago, about half of them are working kind of in this social justice race, ethnicity, space and the other half are are in more in the strategy. 11:25:23 practitioner side of the, of the presentation at the forum. 11:25:29 We do have a global session I was just in a meeting this morning with some in the UK, will have a three or global session on Thursday morning. 11:25:39 That will be probably open space technology with some folks. I'm hoping Fingers crossed from Germany to run that for us and open Of course to the world, to talk about the issues of solving for x and a global capacity. 11:25:54 And then, finally, our industry session this year is for the nonprofit's. 11:25:58 I'm working with Mary Frances winters right now to create a nonprofit session based on how do we de colonize philanthropy, so that it works better for the folks who are needing to receive it in the, in the nonprofit space. 11:26:11 So we're working on some folks to be talking about those things at the conference. 11:26:16 And then another slide about what's returning this year are the morning groundings. 11:26:21 So we'll have those again places for you just to kind of set yourself, meditate, whatever it might be. 11:26:27 Each morning of the conference, and then the virtual coaching which is so popular last year, I had a meeting with Murray man yesterday, we're talking about what those will be in the morning that will be 12 expert coaching sessions, they'll be about different 11:26:41 aspects of leadership or di work like Dr G's and things like that. And in the, in the afternoon, it might actually be group coaching opportunities, and they'll be much more centered around solving for x, it may be somewhere else within a specific industry, 11:26:58 or maybe some things that we crowdsource multiple opportunities there. 11:27:02 They were really popular last year. Some other things that are new this year. 11:27:07 We are working with artists, going to be do some crowdsourcing for artists and community engagement, so watch for that that's coming. 11:27:15 Well, how about diversity awards again of course but they're moving to their own special night on Wednesday. 11:27:21 After the words are presented oh I should go into an artist showcase some of the artists engagement Why shouldn't be a part of programming on Wednesday night. 11:27:30 There will be a lot of pre conference engagement and crowdsourcing. So look for those things coming up. We'll also have a resource center where podcasts and webinars can be viewed. 11:27:52 That's something for you all to note if you are an author, then we'll talk about this you know send you an email about it, but we're putting together a book list, so we can continue to your books that you've written in the last couple years, and then 11:28:01 the spotlight series anyone's been to the one on the forum for a couple years knows the spotlights, used to be our 20 minute trend talks we took the old name of spotlight. 11:28:05 And we repurposed it for shining a light on some deeper dive presentations that are indeed lecture ish. So 45 to 60 minute pre recorded presentations that will be available from the start of the conference on a variety of different topics. 11:28:19 With all we try a slightly different version of what a spotlight has been in our past. And then finally, just a little caveat, these next three things are not for public consumption, you're getting a sneak preview of the next three slides before I turn 11:28:35 it over to bed. And so these are our General Sessions, so on day one. We have the slide will move there we go. As you can see a sister asked her name is because Cassandra worthy she was originally engineer and now she works in the DI space. 11:28:53 that whole thematic direction of the day one general session is context, we are examining what is that what it actually means to solve for x in whatever space you may be solving for x in. 11:29:06 So, that's the day one day two, is where some of this crowdsourcing comes in. We are going to contend to contest and compete in an exchange with a panel of folks represent multiple generations and backgrounds. 11:29:24 Solving for x, solving for your pressing problem. So we're going to ask our audience in advance of the conference to send in what they're burning issue is what they are, what x they are trying to solve for, and we'll put it to this panel to help us to 11:29:40 explore in real time. Well how, what their opinions are of how we, any of us could solve for that x. So, this is a very interactive presentation. 11:29:50 I have no idea yet who the panel service are being assembled, we're working with a Ford Foundation to help us with that a bit, and others around the world. 11:30:00 But also, I guess the content is to be determined by all of you in the audience right. And then finally, my final slide and our final general session is Andrew Yang. 11:30:11 Okay. For those of us in us we know he was a presidential candidate, but Andrew lives in this space of entrepreneur and tech and what's possible in the future in trying new and different things. 11:30:22 And so, apart from the politics part of it. 11:30:25 That's just the thing that he did, and. And part of what his appeal was as a politician that also helping us understand how we actually apply into the future. 11:30:35 What these solving for x equations actually are, how do we actually do this, hopefully will inspire us and as you can see that all the payout will be doing a fireside chat with them as well. 11:30:48 That is the end of my presentation I'm going to turn it over to Ben now to fill in some technical stuff for you all. Thanks. 11:30:56 Hello everyone, welcome. Thank you for being here. I want to thank, Stephen and Michaela for guiding the slides today, I am Ben rW Program Manager here at the forum to the returning presenters, I say hello it's great to have you back and to our new presenters, 11:31:13 a glow and welcome we're really excited to have you and looking forward to working with you. Okay, well if you could go to the next slide. 11:31:22 So we're going to start out with important dates upcoming dates and deadlines because we all love those. 11:31:30 We're going to the first is February 3 which is the deadline to submit edits to your sessions. 11:31:36 And if you please email workplace forum presenters@awkward.edu, if you need to make any edits. 11:31:45 Then the deadline is also the deadline for any Ada requests, and the deadline for two for Breakout Room confirmations ma'am for breakout room is 10 participants, and also the deadline to notify if you are providing actually that is incorrect, that deadline 11:32:02 has been moved. 11:32:04 So yeah, the little so those are the deadlines for February 3 again to confirm those just email workplace for presenters at Augsburg that edu. That is a new email that we created for this year to have a central place for all communications with with presenters. 11:32:23 And then the there is a deadline that that is supposed to be there for February 25, which is the deadline to confirm if you will be having a session, producer and that is something we'll talk about in a later slide. 11:32:40 February 28 is the deadline for book source, where for the book list. 11:32:48 So to provide the information for. If you want to be on the bucket list. 11:32:52 March 7. The deadline for complimentary presenter registration. 11:32:57 March, 21 is when passable opens. 11:33:01 And that is the platform that we're going to be using for the virtual conference. And once that is open you can upload handouts and attendee pre work. 11:33:09 If you have any create polling questions, create your presenter profile, and why it's going to be going over going more in depth passable in the section follow mine also another way it will be going over the recording or the rehearsal process with stage 11:33:27 time not me. 11:33:28 And, and it's also the deadline to submit materials for accessibility requirements. 11:33:35 So, a glossary of terms. 11:33:39 And, I'm sorry. Also just strike that because that is actually not the case this year. And because you will act and you will, we will be using a different kind of closed captioning so we will actually need your glossary of terms, and your end, and you 11:33:58 can upload your PowerPoint slides, ahead of time what on the path of the platform, you'll upload that to yourself. 11:34:05 March 28 path the bowl platform opens for conference present participants, so that they can log in and select what workshops, they want to go to and you will actually have access to the list of people who registered for your for your workshop. 11:34:24 And then, and then last is a professor seventh which is when the when the you know the conference the virtual conference gala for the next slide. 11:34:36 So registration is now open. 11:34:39 Its the registration as complimentary and required for all presenters and panelists. There is no registration code lead it needed. Just go to this link and then it's already preset to presenter so you just go through that process and register. 11:34:57 And, and at the end there will be no fee. If you have any questions about registration email workplace forum@augsburg.edu. 11:35:05 So, work place for them not workplace forum presenters. Next slide please. 11:35:11 So as always all of this information and more can be found on our presenter resource page, we have the link up on the screen here, but I'm going to go ahead and just take you to the page and just walk through it a little bit 11:35:31 on the bottom of the page for some reason. 11:35:36 Okay. So one thing that I want to the first thing I want to point out about the resource page, and also this is just the thing that now on our website. 11:35:45 A feature and accessibility feature that has a lot of different options to make the website more accessible for seizures a profile vision impaired profile cognitive disability profile. 11:35:59 I personally have ADHD so I use this option which, which makes it easier to focus on the things I'm reading or, and not get distracted by other sections. 11:36:12 But so and then. So, and then procession, or options for helping blind users and keyboard navigation motor so we're really excited about this, as we've mentioned, we are, we are really up in our dedication to accessibility and making sure that that we 11:36:36 are access, or that our website and our materials are all accessible to all our participants. So, this is the presenter resource page so the very top here we have the register now the right time the link to click the Register. 11:36:51 And then we have the, the debt the upcoming dates. So he said, you'll see that February 25 year is the deadline to confirm procession, producer, and 28th is the deadline to submit informational information for your book list and passable. 11:37:16 It then down here we have your virtual presentation, like more just more information about what the platform that we're using, and. 11:37:28 And there's also a bunch of very helpful videos on passable that can help you. 11:37:37 Navigating possible getting more familiar with possible before we start, you know, before we start the conference. And then, that we will be providing zoom back virtual backgrounds that are you know forum branded. 11:37:51 But those are coming soon. those are being designed it will be published soon. And then we have the presenter expectations session materials, and this is where we, we have a PowerPoint, a branded PowerPoint template. 11:38:07 So if you want to want to use that you can download it from here, it's not required but is it is available for you. 11:38:16 All materials, as we said must be available in ADA accessible formats. And I'll go more in depth in that in a minute. 11:38:25 But rehearsals. 11:38:27 Like I said why it will be going over that but we're hustling in February and March but stage time productions, and is mandatory for all presenters and producers to attend a conference registration for presenters can 11:38:43 stand then this is the information that sessions producers will be going over that number and upcoming slide presentation policies, the information all of our you're on right now. 11:38:53 The book list again I'll be going over. We have a great marketing tool kit that has a branded conference resources and assets to promote your purchase visit participation in this year, conference created by our marketing director and or Grossman, and 11:39:11 enter will be going. 11:39:12 will be going. So yeah, you can just click on that there's a lot of great resources there, and prevent presenter benefits, we've got an hour that marketplace presenter policies and guidelines and also down here the guest policy and sponsorship if anyone's 11:39:28 interested. 11:39:29 But again, I'm going to be going over that in the upcoming slides so Kayla if we could go to the next slide. 11:39:44 Okay, so as I mentioned we are, like, we can our commitment to accessibility all materials and presentations must be made Ada in any new XML format, Microsoft PowerPoint Adobe Acrobat, and Google Rachael all provide access, and accessibility checker feature 11:40:06 that flexibility checker verifies your file against a set of rules that identify possible issues for people with people who have disabilities. All handouts and slides must pass the Accessibility Checker slides must be uploaded into the virtual platform. 11:40:25 By March 21, so that anyone or people that people have access to them before the conference. 11:40:36 And then, yeah, and to learn more about the accessibility checker, and more. They can reference the creating accessible content document, created by Augsburg class office on the, on the presenter resource page. 11:40:50 Next slide please. 11:40:53 Okay, so I mentioned, this isn't a new thing this year we're having a, allowing session, producers, assistant producers a session assistant selected by the presenter to provide support during their web or during their session. 11:41:07 This is may include but it's not limited to, guiding slides, monitoring chat and q amp a launching polls. 11:41:15 The fester producer only has access to the session, they are producing the session producer must be present at the presenter training with stage time productions. 11:41:24 Prior to the conference where they'll go over how to access the conference platform, how to access your session, how to access chats and polls and how to upload documents, such as slide, slide deck, resources, and the deadline to put firm that is February 11:41:42 25. And again, please email workplace forum presenters to@outlook.edu to confirm that you know on to the next slide. 11:41:52 And the guest policy is still the same. 11:41:56 We, you know, encourage you to promote your participation on at the forum requesters, who's in conference with your clients and colleagues, our please note the guests that guests colleagues or others will not receive complimentary attendance into your 11:42:12 session. Only your producer. We encourage those who wish to attend your session to register as an attendee. 11:42:24 Next, the book lift off of something new this year, as David mentioned we creating pre conference. 11:42:33 Engagement we've started this book list presenters, you're encouraged we encourage you to share any books, they are have that you've written, which are related to topics that you're presenting on, please and the title authorship publisher and where conference 11:42:53 participants can purchase your book to workplace foreign presenters at odds pr.edu, and the deadline for that again is February 20. 11:43:04 Next slide please. 11:43:06 And that's why it 11:43:13 is Thank you, Ben. Hello everybody, we do, there are a great number of questions in the chat, we're going to take time at the end to answer those. Ben will also be able to get to some of those questions. 11:43:24 Now that he's actually done speaking so just give him a moment and he'll respond when he can and we'll have time at the end to get to those questions thank you for all of those. 11:43:34 Next slide please. 11:43:36 So as Ben mentioned and Steven mentioned we're going to be on the path of the platform this year. So for those of you that have not used passable. 11:43:44 You heard Ben mentioned it a lot and I'm going to mention it here as well and you see it here, and it's in the chat, the conference presenter resources page is going to be your friend, there are a great many things that we put on that page for you to 11:43:57 spend time with and learn about everything that is in and involved with the basketball platform so it's a virtual event platform, and it uses the zoom technology as it's backbone. 11:44:11 So your sessions will be presented via zoom that you'll access through passable again on that presenter resources page you're going to hear us mention it a lot about halfway down the scroll, you'll you'll come to a section that's called your virtual presentation. 11:44:28 There are nine different links to different steps of the process from preparing before the event how to upload a file to your session page, how to manage and create polls, how to present the session. 11:44:43 So I please make time. 11:44:47 sometime in March. 11:44:49 Hopefully before the conference in April, make time to visit those links and really dive deep and learn about how the platform works because the more that you learn how the passable platform works, the better your presentation will be and the more the 11:45:02 attendees we will be able to get out of it, you'll be able to do a lot of great things, upload documents the slideshow any supporting documents. There's also an ability to chat with attendees before your session to have an interaction beforehand create 11:45:18 polls allow them to submit questions ahead of time. There's a people tab, you'll be able to see everyone that's added the session to their agenda. 11:45:27 Next slide please. 11:45:31 different this year is the is the next steps part so we are partnering with stage time productions, to help produce the conference this year, next week, so the week of February 1, you will be receiving an email from a representative from stage time productions. 11:45:47 This email is to schedule your rehearsal time in March, but we're getting it out there now because people have access to calendars, and we just want to make sure we get we capture everybody's availability the best we can. 11:46:01 So you'll be receiving that email from stage time productions, next week to schedule your rehearsal time, then around March 18 you'll be receiving an email from path the ball that email from path well is to create your account to create your account and 11:46:20 to login and access your profile. So the only way that you'll be able to get that information is if you register through the conference on Cvent. So there's a couple steps, y'all, and that link again is on that conference presented resources page. 11:46:35 Ben mentioned he sent it out as well in an email. So you'll register for the conference around March 18 on the path of the platform, and then rehearsals will happen the week after that. 11:46:45 So the week of March 21 through the 25th, you will have a scheduled meeting with somebody from stage time productions, and they will walk through kind of a very a very simple tech check will check the lighting, they'll check your microphone connection 11:46:59 your internet connection. But the other part of that practice that rehearsal is going to be how to access and utilize the path platform, how you can find your session, how you login because that's crucial and being there on time to present your information 11:47:15 during the conference so part of that rehearsal during the week of March 21 through the 25th will be also a passable orientation, how you log in, where you click to find your session, how you get into your session because that's important to the execution 11:47:31 of the conference and for you to feel ready enough to present the material. So again, that presenter resources page listed here again is an incredible resource, please go there and look at those different links about how to do different functions on passable 11:47:48 from using zoom presenting in the session creating polls how the chat works how your how your profile is important as well so the profile is how you show up at the conference. 11:48:00 That is how attendees can send you messages on the platform you can send fellow presenter messages on the platform, but it's also how you how you show up what what your interests are, what your background is more information about your step profile during 11:48:14 the conference is essential to the how, how others will be able to interact with you during the conference. That is it for me, I will turn it over to our Director of Marketing introduction. 11:48:29 Hello everyone, my name is Andrew Grossman, thanks Wyatt thinking Michaela for advancing the slides and moving us along here. 11:48:36 Again, my name is undergraduate and I work on the marketing side of things for the formal piece inclusion so that not only that the conference but everything else that we do include things like webinars podcast website. 11:48:48 And our resource library, so we can go ahead and advance the next slide. 11:48:53 So, we invite everyone who participates with the forum any capacity so presenter at the conference or webinar presenter or podcast, podcast guests to be a champion in the forum and help us spread the word about the formative that we do. 11:49:10 So basically becoming a formal place inclusion ambassador, and we do lots of different types of marketing and advertising from, you know, traditional direct mailers to our database to digital marketing, so things like Google display ads. 11:49:30 And of course, social media advertising as well. 11:49:33 And so what we always come to find out is that word of mouth word of mouth marketing seems to be the most valuable for, for our stakeholders for audience so we always encourage all of our presenters. 11:49:46 Again in any capacity to help spread the word. 11:49:49 So that looks like things like spreading the word throughout your organizations or different clubs, you're a part of or even just your your social network both in person and digital, and you can always do this by sending things forward so I'll talk briefly 11:50:01 in a minute about some of the materials you'll receive from us. One of the easiest way to do that is to subscribe to our mailing list as you'll see right there, or emailing list and forward r e blast, for example, our marketing campaigns actively recruit 11:50:15 participants so if you know somebody who may be interested in this, this space or could use some help in this space. 11:50:22 Basically point them in a direction or website there's lots of information how to get signed up and register or connect with one of our team members, who's in the development space, his name is Harry, Dr. 11:50:32 Harry pet away, which maybe in the closing Stephen can can speak it speak to a little bit Harry's great at helping walk folks along the registration process and find a solution that's tailor made for them. 11:50:44 That's fitted perfectly for them. 11:50:45 And then of course, use our resources. If we can go the next slide, I'll talk about that here. 11:50:51 So, as I mentioned before, we do a lot of things on social media like most companies nowadays, and we encourage anyone who like share something online or season or messages to tag us to amplify our messages to work together, we engage with those that 11:51:10 engage with us and we try to actively engage with folks to start more conversations. So for example, if you were to post about us and you simply just tag us more chances than not, we're going to see that we might share it will definitely engage with it. 11:51:24 Be like a like or comments, and that just kind of helps amplify the message on both sides. 11:51:29 Feel free to advance the next slide, enter my head just cut in there for just a second about that. Yeah, cause I noticed yesterday that our, our webinar presenter for next month from the University of Chicago medical saw our posts on social media about 11:51:45 her webinar and did a beautiful exposition of her background and what she was going to talk about, which I'm sure amplified to all of her connections as well as ours on Facebook about her webinar, which is going to draw attendance to her webinar and therefore 11:52:01 notoriety to her and University Chicago medical. 11:52:04 Our goal is similar, of course the conference, the more you promote yourself and promote us more products you promote yourself and vice versa right so it just I haven't to see that as a great example of someone using our social media to really get the 11:52:20 message out about their presentations. Thanks. 11:52:23 Yeah, I agree with what Stephen a thing and it also just opened up a training for pre event engagement and in this presenters case pre webinar engagement. 11:52:32 So that's just another great opportunity and by American election. 11:52:38 I believe she had quite a bit of like comments back and forth and just a way to engage your audience beforehand. And of course if that if folks from that audience, share that post it just kind of multiplies from there. 11:52:47 So again, this is just a snapshot of all of our social media handles we can pretty straightforward so workplace forum. If you search that in most, most middle shock that way with YouTube it is a little bit different. 11:52:57 But all these links are also on the website forum workplace inclusion.org, which is located at the bottom of the slide here, and of course our official hashtag. 11:53:08 Every year is workplace for him so hashtag workplace forum, and then for the conference your theme your specific it's hashtag workplace forum, 2022, Feel free to go to the next slide. 11:53:19 Alright, our marketing toolkit so every year we offer a marketing toolkit which is basically just a toolbox of assets for you all to use so it has pre written copy that you can simply copy and paste and by copy moving text, images graphics and logos that 11:53:34 are conference specific or theme your specific, as well as organizational specific press releases as they become available which the person should be coming out in a week or two, and then a social media tool kit with graphics that are specific to social 11:53:50 media platforms so they're all organized in a fashion that will work great for social social media. I'm just going to quickly actually if you could. 11:54:01 Michaela you just click on that link and see if that takes us to that toolkit. If not, I can always take us there. 11:54:05 Yeah, there we go. So it takes you right to the page this is actually our press page at the top is where you'll see all of our recent links, but that link will take you right to the toolkit which is located towards the bottom, and on the bottom there's 11:54:16 a set of accordion buttons you can simply click through and it'll show what's available in those in each section. 11:54:25 And they're pretty self explanatory. The last one images are not uploaded yet those become available soon. And those are simply images from our 2021 conference, should you find value in sharing those as well, like that that that's that makes enough for 11:54:39 me. We can go ahead and go back to the presentation I think we're ready for q amp a. 11:54:47 Indeed, I think Ben is answered some of those questions. 11:54:58 Why did you want to come on camera too because I think this first one that we have might be a question for you so it's from Angie, who is from EPA right and i think that's right Environmental Protection Agency. 11:55:04 She would love to know if we are tracking, or will start to track people as soft as people with both with disabilities who will self disclose as being having a being a person with disability or representing people who are, who have disabilities, so that 11:55:18 they're not left out. And that would be a see that question, as part of our demographics. 11:55:23 Yeah, so the question is part of the registration process and you're correct whether the individual self disclose that is up to them but we do have it as a question as part of the process for us to track and our demographics. 11:55:38 And then Jeffrey has a question actually, there were, I saw a previous question to was answered in chat but just to underscore it. 11:55:47 Anyone who was a presenter who proposed anyone who is a panelist and a presentation. All of those are considered presenters so they get all the benefits that you do. 11:55:57 Everybody who presents on a panel or as a presenter. It has all the registration benefits and the other options so that's a question that we get yes panelists our presenters so therefore they get all the benefits that presenters got so that just to go 11:56:15 back to that question I saw Jeffrey that you had earlier. And then, why this is probably a question for you again as to confirming this okay to have a producer for the three concurrent breakouts so he has a session, and he's got breakouts in this session 11:56:26 does he need a separate producer for each of those or is the one producer for the, the unit I suppose the session overall. Yeah, Jeffrey I would say will take the producer role as it stands right now that we've talked about is to help with the the main 11:56:41 presentation itself so we haven't really internally talked about the idea of having producers for each of the breakout sessions. So let us let us take that conversation offline and will reach back out to you with your with that answer. 11:56:56 And let's see Rebecca says she found the link she was looking for it, see that a shout out to Ben from Andrea about how how phenomenal is the word to use to helping explain things to hers and as a new presenter at the forum. 11:57:11 And yes, I said I got that one because I wanted to say thank you. 11:57:17 out loud. 11:57:21 And it's also makes me feel good. And then this is a question about pre recording so once again why that's yours and it goes and talks and spotlights both yeah so for those of you that are presenting it via trend talk or spotlight. 11:57:34 You will also receive a communication from stage time productions next week to schedule a time, and you're correct that rehearsal session will actually be longer because there'll be a little bit of rehearsal, and then recording your actual session that 11:57:47 we're still finalizing dates with the, the production company in terms of the technicians that are going to help us record those but I would assume it's going to fall around that. 11:57:57 Those two middle weeks in March, so let me look at my calendar very quickly, it will be probably the either the week of the march 14 to the 18th or the 21st through the 25th. 11:58:06 We're just waiting to confirm with the production company and their text availability. 11:58:11 So in your case, that is your conference lead right that moment is when you actually present for the conference in advance of it and then of course, will release those recordings when we get to the comments a week, and just underscore it as a presenter 11:58:25 even in pre recorded session, you have full conference benefits as a presenter. 11:58:31 And there's a little bit of a reason we do it early will try to do it as close to the conferences possible. So if any of your information needs to be as relevant as possible, but we also do a little bit of post production on those presentations and send 11:58:44 send them off to get captioned as well so there's just a little bit of time baked in to get all that done. 11:58:52 that actually reminds me of a question, I think, to home You were the one who asked it previously about what would the edits for about mature Ben, Ben answer that in the in the chat but just to say it, you proposed a session last July or August, and things 11:59:09 may have changed since last July August in your, in the space that you propose on so we're giving you an opportunity to go back in and update your title or update your workout strap description or your, your learning, learning outcomes, so that there 11:59:25 are more current from six months ago when you propose them to what you're actually going to be presenting in April. So that's why we have this deadline of you can go back in and edit your proposals, because we want them to be the most up to date that 11:59:38 they are so they may be it may be subtle, it may be significant changes in what's happened in the world in the last six months since you proposed so that's what that the editing editing options for. 11:59:50 And yes Angel this deck will be available. And I actually sent a note to, to the team to say, because that one slide with the deadlines had some errors in it. 12:00:01 So we're going to fix that slide so that it shows up accurately on on the deck. 12:00:06 So that if you go back and look at it, that slide will also have all the all the difference. I think I'm missing date, something like that. Um, any panel folks don't need slides, right, as in PowerPoints and things, the presumption would be, and why do 12:00:26 you can chime in as well from a technical standpoint, assumption would be is that the PowerPoint is yours. And the panel wouldn't necessarily have PowerPoints, but it's certainly an option that may be where your producer would come in to help you flip 12:00:39 between PowerPoint options or you can embed it into the main one wipe your thoughts on them. Yeah, no, that's a good question. It really depends on how you have programmed your session to work so if you have panelists and they have information to present 12:00:54 to the attendees. 12:00:57 It would be best to have that coordinated into one slideshow because we do as part of as part of our push has been mentioned for accessibility we want to have those slideshows available actually before the before your session, because with different learning 12:01:12 styles and different ways that people take in knowledge, it helps them to engage more with the content to be able to see those slideshows beforehand so any of those slideshows that you need to present during your session, either one or multiple. 12:01:27 It just depends on what's best for you and what makes your content shine the best just to piggyback on that. That is one reason why we opened profitable two presenters two weeks before the conference, in part, because that's that first that first two 12:01:44 two weeks is when you have an opportunity to go in and build your profile as Mike said, and also download all of your handouts, your PowerPoint presentation, whatever you might want to have downloaded not you can't do it the week before, of course. 12:01:58 But once we open it to the public. The week before the conference, then that's when they start seeing those things so device point about accessibility and learning style needs, they can go look at your presentation in advance and get a sense of it that 12:02:12 helps them. When we get to the live presentation. So, you can start downloading supporting documents and whatever else that might be two weeks before the conference and that's done in part for accessibility and partly because it gives you a chance to 12:02:27 kind of infrastructure your space before the rest of the world watches gets to watch it look at your space. 12:02:34 My name is Steve I think you've met, upload. 12:02:37 Upload download, whatever it is, yeah, I loaded onto the onto the site. Participants download, they upload it to on had another question. So, we will will be received data about the participants who will be attending our session. 12:02:55 Speaking of someone streaming through our workshop. Yeah, you are exactly which would be much more involved and helpful to know people's job title industry that sort of thing, why that's a palatable question. 12:03:04 Yeah. So, you will, to an extent so the best way that I can answer this question is that we open the conference platform to presenters two weeks before the actual conference itself to Stevens Point, then a week before the conference we actually opened 12:03:20 it up to attendees for two reasons one, just to ease the stress of the initial conference week itself. 12:03:35 And to so that they can start to build out their, their agendas. At that time, as individuals start adding workshops to their agenda, then you will be able to go to any session that you're presenting in, and you will be able to see who has added your 12:03:46 session to their agenda and that will be the ones that will be attending your session that's how they sign up for it they add it to their agenda they take up a seat in the virtual room as it were. 12:03:57 And then as they end you'll be able to see and look into their profiles and get a sense for their background, doesn't mean they'll show up of course there's always the last minute and by the way a lot of people sign up last minute today, so that that 12:04:10 number will start on that Monday and grow up until probably the moment you start your session. 12:04:15 But that's true in the wherewithal to write, at least in this case you have a little bit advanced notice who's going to be there and and what their background like. 12:04:27 Jeffrey, a question about the producer of course as well is it just something that he you and he can talk to. 12:04:38 Yes to PowerPoints from Andrea, don't know the reference there but 12:04:39 if you want to talk more to that. Please do. 12:04:43 Amanda had a question on how many people on average can be expected in 90 minutes session. So, this is true we're real world live in personal world as well. 12:04:53 It's anywhere between 25 and 75 on average, which is a really wide range, we've had sessions that eight people in them because someone said 150 people. 12:05:04 all that possible will allow in the room, and so only 40 people can show up that in the business I mean 40 people will show up. 12:05:19 So it's really a wide range, and it any kind of depends on. 12:05:25 I have always programmed sessions at the forum based on what was needed to know for whoever might need to know it. And so I have programs sessions that I know may not have more than 10 people in it. 12:05:36 But for those 10 people, they needed that session and I was willing to give space to it because I thought it was an important topic. There are other sessions that I program that about hundred people or more in it, and I knew they will be popular. 12:05:48 Sometimes popular is great because you have a lot of a lot of input sometimes popular is difficult because then it's spread out all these people and the individual attention that might be necessary for your topic is kind of hard to provide so it's a wide 12:06:01 range, and no way to guarantee for sure, but typically the average, and maybe why do you can speak to the zoo is is 35 to 50. 12:06:14 Well we had some sessions that as many as 180, people that participated. We had some sessions that had set their cap at 80 so that they could have smaller breakout rooms, and I see, Jeffrey asked this question a little further down as their session cap 12:06:29 automatically set. So if your session is interactive in nature, meaning that you're planning to use breakouts. Apart from the main session, you'll be set up in a zoom meeting so you have the ability to do breakouts. 12:06:44 Zoom naturally caps that at 10 people per breakout times 50 breakout so we can all do the math together. That's 500 people, however, is part of the CFP process, way back in the summer, when you submitted your proposal one of those questions during that 12:06:59 process was if you had an attendance cap to please put it in. And so, I will actually be going back and referencing that a lot of you did do that. 12:07:09 There was a mentioned earlier Ben mentioned about editing your session description and Steven mentioned that as well. If you have any changes to any of those settings, ie if you would like a session cap that workplace forum presenters email is crucial 12:07:23 and sharing that information with us now, so that we can make those changes that that we can get ahead of it. 12:07:30 And just to underscore that too. That's why I said, depending on the type of zooming you get depends on what the breakouts or not. So if you're not planning a breakout, then you get one type of meeting, if you are planning breakouts you get a different 12:07:43 type of meeting, that's changed from what you told us last summer, we need to know that too, or your room, your session room will not be set up to do breakouts, or will be set up to do it. 12:07:55 So that's all those kind of facts and figures that you thought about last August. 12:08:00 I really important now because now we're getting to the nitty gritty of making them. 12:08:04 Oh, Andy. Thank you. 12:08:06 As you all know, Angie's been talking to us a lot about accessibility issues we have accessibility committee that that informs us as well. And we are working really hard it is in fact one of our, one of the prior. 12:08:19 One of the goals underneath our big priorities, about leading session is accessibility. Some of that is financial accessibility so scholarships and things like that. 12:08:29 And, and the rest of that is accessible for people with disabilities or different learning styles, we're all the rest. If we're going to be inclusive we've got to try to be inclusive of everybody and we are learning every day about ways that we've done 12:08:39 it right and ways we're still needing to work on. 12:08:43 Thankfully Augsburg University our home as a really intense highly professional and very involved as Ben said the class impact. 12:08:53 making sure that our website was accessible that our materials is accessible, that, that the things we send out, you know what, podcast with transcripts webinars with with closed captioning and transcripts. 12:09:13 But just to say it. We are only as accessible as you make yourself accessible. So we are relying on you to also be accessibility experts in your own individual sessions and your own materials, so that we can make that possible for the people who attend 12:09:29 that conference, and the other events throughout the year.