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When: December 1, 2022
Where: Online/Virtual
Cost: $195
Level: Introductory
Track: D&I Strategy
Track: Social Responsibility
Presenters: Dr. Thyonne Gordon, Beyond Story Strategies | Delphine Pruitt, Connect The Dots Consultants
Today’s rapid pace of changing demographics and cultural misunderstandings can undermine productivity, adversely impact key relationships, frustrate team dynamics, and ultimately interfere with business objectives. Understanding the importance of cultural diversity in workplaces has never been more of an imperative. But in recent years, increased awareness around social exclusions faced by underrepresented people has incorporated equity at the forefront of diversity and inclusion such that there’s a cost factor associated with inequity. The cost factor is not just in dollars and cents but in human capital. People are at the forefront of this economy and leaders must understand the cost of inequity increases the risk of losing their most critical bottom-line resource — human capital.
This workshop will provide participants with a highly interactive learning experience to build more equitable workplaces. Participants will gain an understanding on the difference between equity and equality, learn how to identify inequities, and grasp how to challenge assumptions through engaging case study activities. Our learning curriculum empowers leaders, with the critical knowledge and skills needed to build more equitable workplaces. We will provide participants with materials to review prior to the workshop. Assigned pre-work will also be incorporated.
Learning Outcomes
- Learn the history of inequity among different racial groups within the United States
- Define equity & equality and how they differ from one another
- Cost of inequity, how to identify inequities & apply an equity lens to everything we do
- Develop metrics, scorecard and insights to track results
About The Forum’s Action Planning Breakout Sessions
Unique to the PDL learning experience, each PDL includes Action Planning Breakout Sessions. The Action Planning Breakout Sessions give individuals a chance to participate in small group work that results in having their own goal-oriented action plan to take what they learned at the PDL and apply it in their workplace or organization.
About The Forum’s Professional Development Labs
Professional Development Labs (PDLs) are half-day interactive learning experiences intended to develop professional competencies that support leaders in reaching the next level in their DEI leadership. Unlike traditional workshop sessions, PDLs will be goal oriented and include personal and professional action and accountability planning for next level leadership. PDLs will be offered synchronously in varying formats (in-person, hybrid or virtual) based on CDC convening recommendations.