The Forum Podcast

The Forum Podcast

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Forum Podcast #116 – Employer Pipeline Programs are a Win/Win/Win for Corporations, Higher Education Institutions and Up-and-Coming Employees

In this podcast you will hear from The Travelers Companies and Augsburg University about the benefits of Employer Pipeline Programs. These two partner organizations will take you through the history and structure of The Travelers Companies premiere employer pipeline program, Travelers EDGE.      


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Podcast Ep. 111: Our Black History in Fifty States

In this podcast you’ll learn about the United States’ diverse histories and how they impact work culture while expanding perspective regarding whose history is relevant/important. Learning Outcomes Understanding the impact sharing diverse histories has on work...

Podcast Ep 109: Redirecting Negative Behavior

 Presented by: Judy Ryan Learning Outcomes  1. Taking steps to increase 4 core feelings (at work, home, school or community) to eliminate shame and increase healthy belonging and significance. 2. Steps to redirect power struggles (one of 5 patterns) when people...

Podcast Ep. 106: Bridge Builders for Inclusion

Have you ever wondered how to make systems-wide organizational changes in DEI? When ERGs and training are not moving the needle on your DEI measures, you need a new organizational strategy. By identifying, assessing and developing already existing influencers in every...

Podcast Ep. 105: Inequity: At What Cost?

Today’s rapid pace of changing demographics and cultural misunderstandings can undermine productivity, adversely impact key relationships, frustrate team dynamics, and interfere with business objectives. Understanding cultural diversity in workplaces has never been...

Podcast Ep. 91: Developing the Next Generation of Little Allies

In this episode of The Forum Podcast Julie Kratz shares stories, ideas, and research from her new children’s book, “Little Allies.” She discusses the importance and impact of having conversations about diversity, inclusion, and allyship earlier with the children in...

Podcast Ep. 87: Theory of Racelessness

In this episode of The Forum Podcast, Dr. Sheena Mason (Theory of Racelessness) returns for another timely deep dive into the Theory of Racelessness, which reflects two philosophical positions on “race” that are uncommonly taught & commonly misunderstood:...

Podcast Ep. 84: Courageously Hack Into Your DEI Opportunities

In this episode of The Forum Podcast, Xaulanda Simmonds-Emmanuel (The XauSky Group) and Patrick Meniboon, "The Courage Hacker" anchor the conversation at the intersection of research, storytelling, and application where one uses agency on three levels - self, proxy,...

Podcast Ep. 83: Hiring Revolution

In this episode of The Forum Podcast, Trina C. Olson and Alfonso T. Wenker (Team Dynamics), layout the six-part process outlined in their forthcoming book, Hiring Revolution: A Guide to Disrupt Racism + Sexism in Hiring. Subscribe to our podcast on Apple...

Podcast Ep. 82: Do’s and Don’ts of Measuring Inclusion

In this episode of The Forum Podcast, Arshiya Malik and Lisa Russell (Aleria) cover the top three do's and don'ts of measuring inclusion based on their work and time in the industry. Subscribe to our podcast on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Stitcher, Anchor As organizations...

Podcast Ep. 79: Engaging Deaf Customers and Employees Continued

In this special bonus episode of The Forum Podcast, Vannessa LeBoss (Communication Service for the Deaf) and Craig Radford (Communication Service for the Deaf) answer questions from listeners that attended our September 16, 2021 webinar Engaging with Deaf Customers...

Podcast Ep. 77: Interlocking Inequities: White Supremacy and Ableism

In this episode of The Forum Podcast, Alli Strong-Martin (Lifeworks Services, Inc.) and Ashley Oolman (Lifeworks Services, Inc.) lead listeners through a discussion about how ableism and white supremacy interlock to hinder inclusion. Subscribe to our podcast on Apple...

Podcast Ep. 74: How to Communicate So People See the System

In this episode of The Forum Podcast, Minal Bopaiah (Brevity & Wit) discusses key insights from social science, particularly psychology, on how audiences hear our messages and why they need to see the system if we really want things to change. Subscribe to our...

Podcast Ep. 72: How Different Philosophies of Race Can Help Us Heal

In this episode of The Forum Podcast, Dr. Sheena Mason (Theory of Racelessness) deep dives into the concept of race and how by knowing more about race philosophy, we can begin to intentionally uproot racism in our everyday lives. Subscribe to our podcast on Apple...

Podcast Ep. 69: How to be an Ally While Also Being Marginalized

In this episode of The Forum Podcast, Dr. Theodora Philip (TAP Consultants, LLC) and Xaulanda Simmonds-Emmanuel (The XauSky Group) explore being an ally as Black Caribbean women, and through storytelling, they share strategies to advocate and promote equity at work...

Podcast Ep. 67: You’re Worth It!

In this episode of The Forum Podcast, Ha-Keem Abdel-Khaliq (Cargill) explores the need to consider the well-being of leaders and the demands placed on them when charged with driving diversity, equity, and inclusion within their organizations. Subscribe to our podcast...

Podcast Ep. 62: From Bystander to Ally Continued

In this special bonus episode of The Forum Podcast, Dr. Daniel Cantor Yalowitz (DCY Consulting) and Tatyana Fertelmeyster (Connecting Differences, LLC) answer questions from listeners that attended our very popular April 2021 webinar From Bystander to Ally. Subscribe...

Podcast Ep. 61: Fair Chance Hiring

In this episode of The Forum Podcast, Rehana Lerandeau, (Human Impact Partners) explores fair chance hiring and the challenges, barriers and bias formerly incarcerated people face when seeking employment. Subscribe to our podcast on Apple...

Podcast Ep. 60: The Economics of DEI is in Succession Planning

In this episode of The Forum Podcast, Patricia Jesperson, (EmployeeEXP) dives into what she feels is missing from the workplace diversity, equity, and inclusion conversation: Succession Planning. Subscribe to our podcast on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Stitcher, Anchor...

Podcast Ep. 58: Ally for Gender Equity: A Case Study

In this episode of The Forum Podcast, Miloney Thakrar (Mind the Gender Gap, Inc.) interviews Dhavide Aruliah (OpenTeams, Inc.) to unpack what it means to be an ally for gender equity in the workplace. Subscribe to our podcast on Apple...

Podcast Ep. 40 – The Ubiquity of Masculine Leadership Traits

In this episode of The Forum Podcast, Team Dynamics co-founders Trina Olson and Alfonso Wenker explore how US-based workplaces reinforce preferences for whiteness and masculinity in talent recruitment, hiring, and promotion. Subscribe to our podcast on Apple...

Podcast Ep. 33 – Include to Innovate

In this episode of The Forum Podcast, Melissa Majors (Melissa Majors Consulting) explains why you shouldn't use white boards and flip charts to facilitate group conversation. Instead, Melissa will be taking us through a blame-free examination of common challenges and...

Podcast Ep. 31 – Master These Skills. Master Inclusive Leadership.

In this episode of The Forum Podcast, Patricia Jesperson, chief curiosity officer at EmployeeEXP, and Amy Tolbert, ECCO International principal, explore the five critical leadership skills they’ve identified to help leaders transform into naturally inclusive leaders....

Podcast Ep. 28 – Building a Personal Brand that Influences

In this episode of The Forum Podcast, Sarah McNally (TransForm Corporation) explores how your personal brand is not simply how you perceive yourself or what you say about yourself, but rather how others perceive you in all aspects of your life. Subscribe to our...

Podcast Ep. 26 – Engaging Men & Leaders in Gender Balance

In this episode of The Forum Podcast, Avivah Wittenberg-Cox (20-first), argues that women alone should not be leading the topic of gender balance in organizations. But how do we engage men and leaders in gender balancing businesses when the topic of gender balance is...

Podcast Ep. 24 – Increase Success in High Stakes Conversations

In this episode of The Forum Podcast, Kristen Stockton, Vice President, Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Advisor of JASKAP Consulting explores how to influence anyone, employees, investors, customers, and your colleagues to get phenomenal results in ways that...

Podcast Ep. 17 – A Bridge Between Whiteness and Belonging

In this episode of The Forum Podcast, Dr. Jacqueline Battalora, Ph.D., J.D, offers a foundation of understanding around the nuanced account of the invention of the human category "white" in law. Subscribe to our podcast on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Stitcher, Anchor The...

Podcast Ep. 13 – It’s Still A Big Fat Deal

In this episode of The Forum Podcast, Lisa Love (Twin Cities PBS) explores obesity myths, stereotypes, and internalized fat phobia leading to greater understanding of people of size. Subscribe to our podcast on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Stitcher, Anchor The BIG FAT DEAL...

Podcast Ep. 11 – What’s the Big Fat Deal?

In this episode of The Forum Podcast, Lisa Love challenges stereotypes and perceptions about people of size and looks at how inclusion of size and shape to DEI policies and programs strengthens individuals and organizations. Subscribe to our podcast on Apple...

Podcast Ep. 6 – How Are You Engaging Your Asian Talent?

In this episode of The Forum Podcast, presenters Florence Chan (Community Business) and Linda Akutagwa (Leadership Education for Asia Pacifics Inc.) look into the differences between Western and Asian perspectives in the workplace, talent and leadership. and It also...

Podcast Ep. 4 – Executive Sponsors Fuel High-Performing ERGs

Smart teams fuel company growth, and these days, ERGs are driving the front lines of business like never before. At the same time, the role of the Executive Sponsor has never been more critical in supporting this value creation, and harnessing the potential of these...

Podcast Ep. 2 – Women in Leadership: Engaging Global Women

Women’s participation in the global workforce has increased across industries and sectors, yet women remain underrepresented in business leadership roles worldwide. Although evidence shows that gender diversity contributes to improved performance and effectiveness...

The Forum on Workplace Inclusion®
2211 Riverside Ave, CB 54
Minneapolis, MN 55454

Photos by Sarah Morreim Photography
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