Angel Uddin – The Forum on Workplace Inclusion

Angel Uddin leads diversity, equity and inclusion efforts at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota. Prior to joining Blue Cross in August 2019, she worked at Bremer Bank as the talent acquisition and diversity inclusion manager. She has more than three decades of experience in leadership development, business strategy, project management, and conflict resolution. She is a Qualified Administrator of the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI®) and a certified life coach.

Angel holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration with an emphasis on leadership and management from Capella University. She is a board member at Neighborhood House, a nonprofit multi-service agency based in St. Paul. As an active member of Greater MSP Enterprise Team and Twin Cities Diversity Inclusion Roundtable, Angel works collaboratively with other diversity and inclusion practitioners with a focus on racial equity.

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota, with headquarters in the St. Paul suburb of Eagan, was chartered in 1933 as Minnesota’s first health plan and continues to carry out its charter mission today: to promote a wider, more economical, and timely availability of health services for the people of Minnesota. A nonprofit, taxable organization, Blue Cross is the largest health plan based in Minnesota, covering 2.9 million members in Minnesota and nationally through its health plans or plans administered by its affiliated companies. Blue Cross® and Blue Shield® of Minnesota and Blue Plus® are nonprofit independent licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, headquartered in Chicago. Go to bluecrossmn.com to learn more about Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota.



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