Day 2
Session Code: VS-3
When: March 28, 2023
Level: Introductory
Track: Social Responsibility
Industry Designation: Global Diversity
Presenter: Edwin Cleophas, South Africa Department Sport, Arts and Culture
When we engage in introspection on issues of race and racism, we can believe that we have a unique and different experience than other people have, and we may believe that we are impacted and affected by racism in a unique way. The question is, how different is it really than that of someone else experiencing racism, for example, in another country? Well, this session will give you a look into South Africa, and how race and racism show up in this society.
You will have an opportunity to learn firsthand from someone who has dedicated their life to addressing matters related to race and racism. We will be looking at, amongst other things, education, health, wealth, land, truth and reconciliation, and other aspects related to life in this democratic country. With a population in South Africa that is made up of 90% Black people, you are sure to find some answers that you’ve been seeking — for a very long time.
Learning Outcomes:
• Recognize and understand how much of what we read and are informed of comes through social media, especially in this digital age • Interact with content that you’ve likely never seen before — discover new things from an informed source
• Gain insight about things you’ve heard and don’t know how to feel about — this session will help clear things up