What happened to Diversity Insights Breakfasts? – The Forum on Workplace Inclusion

We’ve updated our Diversity Insights Breakfasts program! Due to COVID-19, we’ve changed our Diversity Insights Breakfasts from in-person events, which included a networking breakfast, to digital presentations, and we’re calling them Diversity Insights Presentations.

We’re still featuring scholars, thought-leaders, and professionals, and high-quality content you’ve come to expect from The Forum – just a little differently! We’ve also removed the registration fee and replaced it with a suggested donation of $30 to help keep the program running. There’s no obligation to donate, but anything you can afford to give makes a difference! Thank you for your consideration and generous support!

More about Diversity Insights Breakfasts and the change

Diversity Insights Breakfasts were in-person events designed around networking, a plated breakfast and a professional presentation including participatory table work. We usually charged for these in-person events to help off-set the cost of hosting them. The original ticket price for these varied depending on the event’s location, but going forward, they were going to be $45. However, due to COVID-19, the in-person portion of these event – like most all in-person events – has had to be re-imagined.

The work we do – the space we operate in – does not stop simply because we’re working differently. And we believe our work is too important to just cancel. However, health and safety is paramount. This is why we’ve moved our Diversity Insights Breakfasts online, removed the registration fee, added a suggested donation – so we can keep doing what we do: our mission – and changed the name to Diversity Insights Presentations.

If you’re interested in donating and want to support The Forum, visit our donations page. Otherwise, let us know what you think!

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