Patrick Meniboon – The Forum on Workplace Inclusion

From a class valedictorian who attempted to skip speaking at his own high school graduation (due to a speech impediment) to being named a District 6 finalist in the 2015 Toastmasters International Contest, one win away from qualifying for the World Championship of Public Speaking, Patrick set himself a seemingly impossible goal: overcome insecurities around his stutter, enter one of the scariest industries in the world, and become a professional speaker. Today, with a unique combination of charisma, humility, and vulnerability, Patrick guides audiences through unforgettable experiences that help them master their courage to Raise their Hand, Step Up, and Step Out.

He is author of the upcoming book “Be Unmesswithable: Quit Playing Impostor & Spectator, Raise Your Hand, Step Up, and Step Out. Patrick holds an MBA in Project Management from Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota, Minneapolis and a Bachelors of Arts in Computer Information Systems from Metropolitan State University in Saint Paul, Minnesota. He is a mind mapping and copywriting fanatic, tennis and belt buckle enthusiast. He was born in Liberia, West Africa and currently lives in Raleigh, North Carolina. He is a father of two, Lance and Rachel.


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