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Dr. Neal Goodman, co-founder and president of Global Dynamics Inc. (GDI), is an internationally recognized authority on diversity and inclusion, globalization, global leadership, cultural intelligence, virtual workplace excellence, and team building in leading organizations. Through the auspices of GDI, Neal provides training, strategic planning and consulting to top-tier Global 1,000 corporations and international organizations that wish to succeed in the multicultural, global arena. With a focus on creating globally inclusive organizations, cultural intelligence, organizational transformation, global leadership, executive coaching, global mindset development, international OD and HR development, team building, expatriate relocation, strategic planning, and consulting, his programs have helped hundreds of thousands of corporate executives to be more effective in international and multicultural settings.
Dr. Goodman has been a leader in the diversity and inclusion area since 1963 when he led his first diversity awareness program. Through the years he has had the opportunity to work with leaders in the field including Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. He has delivered diversity workshops to more than 250,000 employees and managers of leading organizations and taught diversity and inclusion to over 78,000 university students. His programs are known for their inclusiveness and sensitivity. The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) honored Neal with the designation of Thought Leader in the area of Cultural Competence for Diversity and Inclusion. The Best Practices Institute, the Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp) and The Economist Intelligence Unit include him as their expert on diversity and human potential. Tanenbaum Center for Religious Tolerance includes him as their thought leader in global diversity and the Institute for Diversity of the American Hospital Association has designated him and GDI as their primary source of expertise in the area of healthcare, diversity and cultural competence.
Neal is a regular contributor to Diversity Executive Magazine having just completed a three-part series focusing on “Global Diversity,” “The Value of Cultural Competence for D&I Leaders” and “Best Practices in Global Diversity Implementations.” He writes the blogs on cultural competence for Diversity Executive Magazine and the ASTD Human Capitol interest group and he’s the author of “Best Practices in Unconscious Bias Training” in Training Magazine (No. 1 on Google for over two years).
GDI has assisted clients from a wide spectrum of the global economy. A small sampling of clients: AT&T, J&J, Citi, G.E., Acxiom, BD, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Alcatel-Lucent, Samsung, Bechtel Corp, The N.B.A., Hilton Worldwide, Fujitsu, Federal Reserve Bank, Philips, Sun Micro, Genentech, Bank of America/Merrill Lynch, Hyundai, Volvo, ConocoPhillips, HP, KLM/Air France/Delta/Alitalia, PwC and The World Bank. GDI’s programs on leadership, team building, virtual workforce effectiveness, joint ventures, and diversity have been recognized and implemented by corporations around the globe. To date, over 850,000 global leaders, managers, and executives have enhanced their global mindset and cultural competence through GDI’s programs.
Dr. Goodman’s expertise has been sought by numerous publications and he’s frequently quoted in The Financial Times, “China Daily,” The Guardian, The Wall Street Journal and The Christian Science Monitor, among others. Neal is a frequent speaker at professional meetings and associations and has lectured at scores of colleges and universities including Georgetown, N.Y.U., Princeton, American University and U.N.C. He has authored numerous books and articles on inclusion and the globalization of organizations. His publications include: “Global Diversity” (2010); “Cross-Cultural Training for the Global Executive”; “Intercultural Education at the University Level”; and “Improving Intercultural Interactions: Modules for Cross-Cultural Training Programs,” edited by Richard W. Brislin and Tomoko Yoshida (Sage Publications, 1994).
Neal is the executive coach to hundreds of leaders. He has a regular column in Training Magazine on “Best Practices in Training and Development” and is the International Forum Field editor for ASTD’s “Performance and Practice.” He has served on the executive committee of the Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research (SIETAR), and is on the faculty of several corporate universities. Additionally, he holds the rank of professor emeritus of sociology and intercultural studies at Saint Peter’s University and served as a faculty associate in the international MBA program at the Stern Business School at New York University. Neal has three times been honored with invitations to be a senior fellow at the East-West Center in Hawaii.
Dr. Goodman received his Ph.D. from NYU. He is listed in Who’s Who in the World, Who’s Who in America, and International Who’s Who of Contemporary Achievers. He is the recipient of the 1995 Senior Interculturalist Achievement Award from the Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research for his contribution to the field. He enjoys travel, scuba diving, snorkeling and tennis.