Sertrice Grice – The Forum on Workplace Inclusion

Sertrice Grice, MS, is co-founder and chief consulting officer of Mattingly Solutions. Sertrice has deep experience helping complex, global organizations with annual census surveys, pulse surveys, 180 and 360 assessments, and more. She enjoys interpreting organizational data and creating a narrative that helps drive meaningful change.

Sertrice writes and presents frequently on issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion. She created I&D (inclusion and diversity) and anti-racist organization surveys and works with a number of clients on more customized DEI surveys. She received her BS in psychology from Emporia State University and her MS in industrial organizational psychology from Radford University. Prior to becoming chief consulting officer and co-founder of Mattingly Solutions, Sertrice worked at OrgVitality as a project manager and consultant.




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