Carol Evans – The Forum on Workplace Inclusion

Carol Evans 300x300 Company: Working Mother Media
Role: Session Presenter

Carol Evans is chief relationship officer for Respectful Exits and founder and president emeritus of Working Mother Media (WMM). Carol acquired Working Mother magazine in 2001 and transformed it from a single publication into a powerful multi-media platform that advocates for the advancement of women. She acquired Diversity Best Practices to expand WMM’s mission and created conferences in China, India, and Brazil to bring the company’s ideas to women abroad.

In 2015, she left WMM to cofound Executive Women for Hillary which put 2,400 women to work on Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Carol recently partnered with Respectful Exits, a nonprofit dedicated to shifting societal expectations of when and how people should retire.

Facebook: @RespectfulExits 
Twitter: @RespectfulExits

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