Wendy Goldberg – The Forum on Workplace Inclusion

Company: Tri-Faith Initiative
Role: Session Presenter

Wendy Goldberg is a founding board member and the executive director of Tri-Faith Initiative. For more than 15 years, she has worked with clergy, lay leaders, social sector and nonprofit organizations, community leaders, and local educators to make interfaith cooperation a social norm. Wendy leads from her value of courageous living. She is deeply passionate about how we can understand ourselves and our neighbors better, adapting to meet the needs of our community.

A believer in Tri-Faith’s audacious experiment — even when many said it could not be done — Wendy loves the work of meeting congregants, clergy, and local leaders to talk about the shifting religious landscape, religious pluralism, and how to grow an unprecedented interfaith initiative that transforms lives and communities. She leads Tri-Faith’s vision and strategy and is a thought leader and regional advisor on: • Bridging differences • Shifting religious landscape • Religious pluralism

• Cultivating inclusive environments

Wendy is chair of the Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce Commitment to Opportunity, Diversity, and Equity (CODE) Advisory Council, on the advisory board of The Journal of Interreligious Studies, and a LeadDiversity and Racial Equity Institute’s Racial Equity Workshop alum.

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