R U OK?Day started as a national day of action during September in Australia. The day is dedicated to reminding people to ask family, friends, and colleagues the question, “Are you ok?” in a meaningful way, because connecting regularly and meaningfully is one thing everyone can do to make a difference to anyone who might be struggling, especially in the workplace.
The topic of mental health is one of the most stigmatized and misunderstood issues, and yet our daily lives are regularly impacted by the effects of mental health. Importantly, if employees are feeling unwell and not receiving appropriate support, they may be challenged to be as productive and engaged in the workplace as they might otherwise be. As a result, businesses are increasingly recognizing the significance of workplace mental health, but manager concerns about appropriate communication, interaction, accommodations, and performance management of individuals experiencing mental illness are stalling progress.
What is most daunting to managers is the fear of saying or doing the wrong thing or making the situation worse for the individual, the business, or both. This is equally true if an employee is caring for someone managing a mental health issue. Often invisible, this type of disability lacks the awareness and understanding of more visible disabilities.
This session, presented by Springboard, focuses on educating and empowering audiences about: prevalence and common symptoms; workplace rights of these individuals under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA); awareness of what is and is not considered mental illness; individual impact on memory and ability to learn, process information, interact with others, communicate, and make decisions; workplace impact; types of accommodations and workplace supports most commonly needed; and ways in which employers can effectively engage candidates and employees with these functional limitations and still benefit from their talent.
This presentation will help you create a workplace where everyone is connected and if, when, and however it’s needed, is asked, “Are you ok?” Engaging in appropriate conversations could change or save a life in the time it takes to have a cup of coffee. Springboard’s presentation provides important information for establishing a mentally healthy workplace.
Learning Outcomes
- Develop awareness of the prevalence and most common symptoms, and what is/isn’t considered mental illness
- Learn about the impact to both the individual and the business
- Understand workplace rights, responsibilities and accommodations