Navigating and Addressing Our Many Differences — Visible and Less Visible — in Global DEI Work – The Forum on Workplace Inclusion

Day 2

Session Code: S5-B
When: March 28, 2023
Level: Advanced
Track: DEI Strategy
Industry Designation: Global Diversity
Presenter: Dr. Bernardo Ferdman, Ferdman Consulting
Prerequisite: Be well-grounded in the basic elements of DEI, especially the dimensions of diversity in a global context; Preferably also have experience in or knowledge about designing, leading, and/or helping to implement DEI initiatives or strategies; Understand (and be willing to explore) your own multifaceted identities

Global DEI work requires us to navigate a wide range of identities and differences, some more visible or salient than others. As we design and implement DEI strategies, the complexity and multiplicity of identities requires us to attend to the nuances and layers involved in how our visible and less-visible identities — and those of the people in our organizations — intersect in the composition of particular social contexts and cultural meanings. Additionally, perspectives on diversity from one society do not necessarily directly translate to another, and similarly, the bases on which intergroup relations are patterned vary in many ways — some obvious and some less so. Especially in multinational organizations, thoughtfully navigating and addressing these variations can provide the foundation for the success of DEI strategies.

This highly interactive workshop will engage participants in jointly exploring the cultural, behavioral, and organizational implications of these many differences — particularly those that are less visible or evident — for how we think about, design, and deploy DEI strategies in organizations and even how we think about and assess success.

Participants will consider issues such as regional variations in culture and identity; dimensions of diversity such as religion, social class, ability/disability, language and style, and many others; and their differential salience, impact, and relevance for global DEI work, as they (re)examine and test their own assumptions about what works and what doesn’t work and apply their insights to their particular role and organization.

Learning Outcomes:

• Learn about and explore the layered and multifaceted components and nuances of identities — our own and those of the people we work with — and how these intersect in our global DEI work • Discover the implications of both visible and less-visible differences for the design and success of DEI strategies

• Challenge and re-examine assumptions about the focus and breadth of our work as DEI practitioners

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