Khadija Ali – The Forum on Workplace Inclusion

Khadija has been an active leader and entrepreneur in the language service industry for the past 13 years. Through her extensive experience as a health care interpreter and trainer, medical assistant and former owner of an interpretation and translation services business, Khadija has helped many communities overcome linguistic barriers throughout Minnesota. A family experience where the proper healthcare was not obtained due to a language barrier led her to this exciting and important field.

In Khadija’s last company as CEO and founder she established a first class reputation for herself and her company in the field of language services. Her passion is connecting emerging communities and established businesses while creating winning solutions for all constituents. As a result she became one of the most successful, well-respected and sought after cultural and language experts.

Additionally, Khadija has been an important member of the Interpreting Stakeholders Group (ISG), playing a key role in helping the ISG to mold the roster of interpreters for the state of Minnesota. She led the dialogue between health care providers, clients and interpreters that created standards

Khadija has received many awards including, the 2013 International Immigrant Achievement Award from the Minnesota-based International Leadership Institute (ILI). Also in June 2013, Khadija and was awarded the International Immigrant Achievement by the City of Minneapolis, Mayor R.T. Rybak, Governor Dayton, and The Latino Community for creating jobs in Minnesota and providing vital services to the minority community.

Sources: Bio LinkedIn, photo Citizensleague.org

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