Day 2
Session Code: S1-A
When: April 11, 2018
Location/Room: M 100 CDE
Level: Introductory
Track: Critical Employment Practices
Presenters: Dr. Joy Wiggins, Joy Wiggins, PhD: Equity and Inclusion Consulting | Dr. Kami Anderson, Bilingual Brown Babies
Whether you are a bystander, victim, or perpetrator, it can be hard to intervene or even know what to say when you or someone else says something insensitive or discriminatory. These seemingly subtle, but discriminatory behaviors are called microaggressions and can not only be hard on morale, but also detrimental to emotional and physical health.
This workshop provides tools and strategies for engaging in real-life scenarios that interrupt bias and microaggressions when they come up. Using Byron Katie’s model of four questions and Leticia Nieto’s ADDressing model that focuses on Agent (Power) and Target (Non-power) Ranks, this interactive workshop focuses on self-reflection, deep meaningful conversations, and actionable strategies to examine power and privilege without blame or shame. Participants walk away with a specific vision statement or action plan to implement immediately.
Learning Outcomes:
- Practice deep listening techniques even through discomfort with real-life scenarios.
- Learn how to intervene in positive, non-shaming ways when microaggressions occur.
- Engage in activities that promote critical self-awareness and how we impact others.