How the Hearing Can Impact Equity and Inclusion in the ASL Community – The Forum on Workplace Inclusion

2019 31stConference Header 01

2019 31stConference Header 04 1

Day 2

Session Code: S1-C
When: April 17, 2019
Location/Room: M 100 J
Level: Introductory
Track: Critical Employment Practices
Presenter: Terryann Nash, NashInspired

This interactive session will focus on equity and inclusion from an American Sign Language (ASL) perspective. The session will allow participants the opportunity to engage in the steps toward a paradigm shift into the ASL world and realize the benefits of professionally engaging this community.

There is a community of four million citizens in America who are classified as deaf or hard-of-hearing and that number is growing daily as we encounter various noise assaults that can affect how we hear—or if we hear at all. This group continues to be overlooked and marginalized in many of the sectors that are essential to individual equity, professional development and potential legacy-building.

This hands-on session will be fun and thought-provoking. The goal is to introduce, bridge and enlighten participants with new and up-to-date information that provokes a journey toward an intersectional paradigm shift.

Learning Outcomes
  1. Learn about deaf culture: what is it and how it affects our hearing perspectives
  2. Experience the opportunity to learn 3–10 signs that can be put to use, and have the chance to dialog in ASL
  3. Leave having acquired a deaf heart experience

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