Solutions that Unite: The Call for Authentic Organizational Activism – The Forum on Workplace Inclusion

Day 4

Session Code: S6-F
When: March 11, 2021
Level: Advanced
Track: Social Responsibility
Presenters: Laura Belfiore, Laura Belfiore  |  Nene Molefi, Mandate Molefi HR Consultants CC  |  Dr. Alan Richter, QED Consulting
Prerequisite: Decision-maker/consultant to CDO or organization leaders; knows current DEI issues at individual, team, organization and society levels; fosters analysis and reflection on systemic solutions

The call for systemic change has never been louder. The pandemic, AI, other technology advances, the accelerated pace of change, the global anti-racism movement, the desire to achieve equity, increased youth activism, and other factors are dominating the soul, heart, and minds of organizations.

DEI practitioners must offer solutions that unite stakeholders in a disruptive and divisive climate. Organizations need to take a public stand on issues once considered political. The public stand must be authentic, not rhetoric. Stakeholders want the organizations they work at, sell to, and buy from not to mimic what people want to hear, but to be a part — even leaders — of measurable solutions. This is the time for principle-based action.

Three presenters representing the consensus thinking of more than 100 DEI experts of small, medium, and large organizations in a variety of sectors and industries around the world will guide participants in an exploration of these emerging best practices.

Learning Outcomes

• Explore high-level DEI best practices that unite • Use practical solutions (how-to’s and tips) from a variety of organizations around the world

• Gain knowledge about the continuum of activism and how you can apply it to your current situation

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