Kent Johnson – The Forum on Workplace Inclusion

Kent Johnson is Senior Corporate Advisor for the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation (RFBF) and a management consultant on religious diversity at work. Kent works with RFBF to help companies adopt and practice best practices regarding religious diversity and inclusion in the workplace (see RFBF corporate training on religious diversity & inclusion).

Kent Johnson recently retired from his role as a Senior Counsel at Texas Instruments Incorporated and now serves as a consultant to multinational companies on topics related to religious accommodation and faith in the workplace. Kent helps companies see the appropriate role of religious expression and religious diversity at work, in order to strengthen corporate cultures of trust, mutual respect and organizational effectiveness.

In these times of increasing distrust, fear and discord, he focuses on promoting mutual expression and understanding across religions and groups in ways that strengthen recruitment, engagement, retention, morale, ethics and personal fulfillment. He is a diplomatic adviser who supports and enables effective strategic partnerships, corporate acquisitions and alliances across cultural boundaries. He is a peacemaker and facilitator, helping companies move beyond “tolerance” to embrace respectful, caring relationships among groups that all too often are thought of as opposed (e.g., evangelicals and employees who embrace other faiths or atheism, groups of widely diverse ethnic, national and racial backgrounds, GLBT employees and working parents).

A passionate advocate of diversity and inclusion, Kent also helps companies in certain jurisdictions navigate their legal obligation to accommodate employees’ religious expression while carefully avoiding any impression of compulsion to participate in or agree with such expressions.

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