Yes, We Can! Breaking Down the Barriers to the Employment of Individuals with Disabilities through Assistive Technology – The Forum on Workplace Inclusion

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32nd Annual Conference

March 10-12, 2020

Minneapolis Convention Center, Minnesota

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Day 3

Session Code: S6-C
When: March 12, 2020
Location/Room: L100D
Level: Introductory
Track: Critical Employment Practices
Presenter: Meghan Schilling, LocalJobNetwork

From screen readers to speech input software to an eye tracking sensor mouse, advances in technology are helping more and more workers with disabilities perform work tasks. Assistive Technology (AT) is opening the doors to employment for individuals with disabilities and helping workers who have developed a disability, due to disease, injury, or aging, maintain employment. Learn how you can advance the employment of individuals with disabilities through the use of affordable AT devices and learn how employers are benefiting by maintaining worker productivity.

In this presentation, we will discuss the broadening definition of disability, the growing use of AT in the workplace, and the common types of AT—including those you didn’t know you have. We will be showing some innovative AT devices during this presentation.

Learning Outcomes
  • Learn about different types of Assistive Technology (AT) and how AT helps workers with disabilities accomplish tasks
  • Gain knowledge about AT commonly used to accommodate employees with disabilities
  • Gain awareness of resources for accommodating applicants and employees

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