Day 1
Session Code: SEM-I
When: April 10, 2018
Location/Room: 200 F
Level: Intermediate
Track: Innovation & Transformation
Presenters: Mary-Frances Winters, The Winters Group, Inc. | Tina Chapman DaCosta, Rochester Institute of Technology
During the past 20 years, we have witnessed increased and intensified global polarization on many topics related to our differences. We see vast divisions that exacerbate an “us-and-them” disunity, leading to heightened racism, xenophobia, Islamophobia, classism, and homophobia. Rather than moving more toward shared meaning and understanding, we are staying in our own corners with like-minded people, entrenched in our own ideologies, unable to find a common vision.
This interactive and thought-provoking seminar will provide leaders with a blueprint for increasing one’s capacity to engage in and create “brave” spaces for bold, inclusive conversations using theatre-based techniques. Utilizing Mary-Frances Winters’ model for engaging in Bold, Inclusive Conversations, the session will engage participants in active learning through theatre-based techniques.
Participants and volunteers from the session will actively engage in diversity theatre exercises. No previous acting experience is necessary. The seminar co-presenters are professional actors and diversity and inclusion consultants specializing in acting, directing, and education.
Learning Outcomes:
- Demonstrate how to engage in bold, inclusive conversations around polarizing topics.
- Present proven theatre-based methods that can be used in creating “brave” spaces for dialogue.
- Provide participants with specific tools for applying theatre-based methods in their diversity and inclusion strategies.