Seeing Through the Illusion of Equality: An Equity Filter for Real Results – The Forum on Workplace Inclusion

2021 TheForum WorkplaceRevolution Logo Horizontal

33rd Annual Conference

March 8-12, 2021

Day 4

Session Code: S7-G
When: March 11, 2021
Level: Advanced
Track: Government
Presenters: Sara Taylor, deepSEE Consulting  |  Margaret Anderson Kelliher, Minnesota Department of Transportation  |  Seema Desai, Minnesota Department of Transportation
Prerequisite: A deep understanding of cultural competence and cultural competence development along with a complete understanding of best-practice DEI work

We are at the beginning of a massive shift in the D&I world — so massive, in fact, that the name has changed: We are now part of the DEI — diversity, equity, and inclusion — world. Organizations and DEI practitioners, both internal and external, are asking about equity and they need help with understanding and implementation.

This session will ground participants in a proven, practical “Equity Filter” that allows for analysis of equity challenges at any level — from individual processes to programs, to entire leadership structures. Once clearly focused, the Filter can be applied strategically at any scale. Presenters will share several case studies of the Filter in action, and leaders from MnDOT will discuss in detail their multiple applications of the Filter across their organization.

Finally, participants will have the opportunity to discuss with others where their organization stands on the equity scale and support each other in an initial analysis and practice using the tool. Make no mistake — this is a challenging session that assumes participants possess both experience in the DEI field and an understanding of not only their own level of cultural competence, but that of their organization as well.

Learning Outcomes

• Explain the change of focus from D&I to DEI • Describe applications of the equity framework in different settings and at different scales

• Analyze your current environment through an equity-focused filter

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