Adria Kitchens – The Forum on Workplace Inclusion

Adria Kitchens has supported women in transforming their lives for more than a decade. She specializes in working with self-actualizing women, executives, experienced coaches, therapists, and local and global leaders. Adria is currently the Equitable Dinners Atlanta Program manager, leading a network of impassioned leaders to connect our communities, bring awareness to inequities, and activate anti-racist action. She has many years of experience supporting the growth and development of new and emerging organizations. She began her career in neuroscience at Yerkes Primate Center at Emory University.

Adria is a graduate of Johns Hopkins University, a Certified Cultural Competency Facilitator, and a Certified Feminine Power Coach and Facilitator specializing in women’s Transformational Leadership. She holds a Senior Certified Coach appointment within the Feminine Power Program, a global women’s leadership community. She holds master’s degrees in accounting and financial management and business administration and a BA in natural sciences. Her passion is supporting women in catalyzing their leadership.

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