Company: Human Factors AS, Norway
Role: GIF Session Co-Presenter
Norwegian business consultant, Bjørn Z. Ekelund, has been the principal owner and managing director of Human Factors AS in Norway since 1993. He has been leading consultant organizations since 1987, while at the same time doing extensive consultative work focused on interpersonal interaction, team analysis, innovation and cross-cultural challenges.
In his consultation business, Bjørn has used numerous academic measurements and concepts and in that way created a shared platform for academics and practitioners to create knowledge. He is most known for creating the Diversity Icebreaker® (Trialogue®)—a concept that combines assessment of cognitive styles with an experiential learning seminar where an inclusive language of Red, Blue and Green, each representing a certain set of preferences, is socially constructed.
Bjørn completed his education in psychology at the University of Oslo in 1983, his MBA at Henley Management College in London in 1997, and studies in international management at the University of Agder, Norway, in 2006–2007.