(Cancelled) Devil’s Advocate—Working Toward Solutions for a Gender-Inclusive Workplace Using Premortem Technique – The Forum on Workplace Inclusion

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32nd Annual Conference

March 10-12, 2020

Minneapolis Convention Center, Minnesota

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Day 3

Session Code: S6-F
When: March 12, 2020
Location/Room: 200E
Level: Intermediate
Track: D&I Strategy
Presenters: Dr. Saundarya Rajesh, Avtar Group  |  Karthik Ekambaram, Avtar Group

As diversity and inclusion practitioners, the intention for creating gender-inclusive workplaces is strong and clear. Yet, we encounter many challenges on our way to achieving the goals of attracting, retaining and advancing women talent. Most of those challenges are from outside and yet there are some from within. So, how do we go about solving all these issues in D&I when they appear? Is it the right approach to solve these problems? Isn’t there a risk of being perceived as “non-inclusive” if we do not solve the problems effectively?

Come, learn a unique managerial technique called the Premortem which will help in identifying the risks and pitfalls in the journey toward achieving a goal. Take a step back and consider issues like challenges that could slow us down and understand the blind spots that get in the way of a goal. By getting creative and imaginative in forecasting impending challenges that are unique to D&I, we discover the most effective and assured success factors.

Learning Outcomes
  • Identify potential pitfalls and roadblocks in achieving the goal of attraction, retention, and advancement of women in the organization
  • Ideate and draw action plans that would help mitigate the identified challenges
  • Create short-term and long-term strategies to handle issues effectively

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