Company: Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion (CCDI)
Role: Session Presenter
Cathy Gallagher-Louisy is senior director, consulting, for the Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion (CCDI), a unique national charity in Canada. She leads CCDI’s cultural competence consulting portfolio and provides a range of leadership development, strategy development, measurement, and change management consulting and training services within both public and private sector organizations and academic institutions. Previously, as CCDI’s director, knowledge services, for four years, Cathy led the CCDI’s research and knowledge services portfolio. She is the author of the five “CCDI Toolkits for Diversity and Inclusion Practitioners,” and she has written or co-written 18 major research and benchmarking reports on diversity and inclusion.
She was lead developer for the Centennial College Certificate in Leadership and Inclusion, is currently a faculty member at the University of Toronto St. Michael’s College Certificate in Corporate Social Responsibility, and she is a regularly invited guest speaker at academic and professional conferences and corporate events. Cathy has achieved certification in the Intercultural Development Inventory and Prosci ADKAR Change Management certification.
Cathy is one of only four Canadians on the global panel of 95 expert panelists who developed the “Global Diversity and Inclusion Benchmarks: Standards for Organizations Around the World,” published by the Diversity Collegium, a global think tank of diversity practitioners.