Dan Egol – The Forum on Workplace Inclusion

Raised in a multi-cultural home with strong ties to both Cuba and Israel, Dan Egol grew up passionate about social justice, community building, and global affairs. He openly identifies as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community and is committed to using the many privileges and opportunities in his life to foster equity for others.

After graduating with honors from Middlebury College in 2013, Dan spent five years working at Cook Ross, Inc., a diversity and inclusion consultancy in Silver Spring, Maryland. While there, he served as a project manager, business development lead, and chief of staff to the managing partner. From 2013 to 2015, Dan also contracted part time with The Atlantic Philanthropies where he conducted research and participated in a multi-stakeholder alliance of organizations committed to Cuban-American political reconciliation. The coalition’s work directly contributed to the Obama administration’s opening of bilateral relations with Havana in 2014.

Together with former colleagues Minjon Tholen and Hannah Mack, Dan co-founded Inclusion NextWork in February 2018 as a global collaborative for next-generation leaders committed to IDEAS: Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, and Social Justice.

In August 2018, Dan left Cook Ross to pursue a master’s in business administration full time from the Yale School of Management where he matriculated as a Consortium for the Graduate Study of Management Scholar and a Reaching Out MBA Fellow. At Yale, Dan serves as the equity and inclusion officer in student government, co-chairs the Yale Philanthropy Conference, and co-founded “& Society,” a weekly forum on campus to discuss contemporary social issues and create community across difference. In June 2019, Dan was designated as one of 16 national Point Foundation Scholars, selected from an applicant pool of more than 2,100 candidates.

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