Digging Deep: Radicalizing Mental Wellness in the Workplace – The Forum on Workplace Inclusion

2023 TheForum ConferenceTheme Logo Final

35th Annual Conference

March 27-29, 2023

Day 3

Session Code: S7-A
When: March 29, 2023
Level: Introductory
Track: Critical Employment Practices
Presenters: Desi Carson, IDEAS Generation  |  Ymani Hawkins, IDEAS Generation

For too long, those with mental health challenges have been forced to mask their symptoms and experiences for fear of stigmatization and consequences. We aim to unpack the harmful workplace behaviors that contribute to this masking and encourage participants to innovate policies, procedures, etc., to be radically inclusive when it comes to mental wellness.

Utilizing a trauma-informed care lens, this session will normalize mental wellness by identifying language, addressing stigma, identifying symptoms of common disorders, and navigating the intersection between work, life, societal, and home balance. We will also address how to navigate difficult conversations regarding mental health so that participants will walk away with tangible steps for implementing these radical changes in their own spaces through a framework based on compassion for humanity.

Learning Outcomes:

• Understand how to utilize appropriate language and recognize signs and symptoms of common mental health challenges • Navigate the intersection of personal and professional life in the spirit of self-advocacy and building a community of care

• Unpack existing harmful workplace norms and lean into, learn, and practice innovative processes for mental health support

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