Day 1
Session Code: SEM-J
When: April 16, 2019
Location/Room: M 100 FG
Level: Intermediate
Track: Legal
Presenters: Traci V. Bransford, Stinson Leonard Street | Bryan Browning, Bassford Remele | Athena Hollins, Minnesota State Bar Association | Natalie Runyon, Thomson Reuters | Ann Jenrette-Thomas, Stinson Leonard Street
There are many discussions in the legal profession concerning the biases that harm lawyers of color and other diverse lawyers. Most of these discussions center around what people can do at the individual level to combat their own biases and those of others. While we applaud those discussions on individual responsibility, this workshop will focus on institutional and structural barriers for lawyers of color. By addressing institutional and structural barriers, we can create systemic change within the legal profession.
Learning Outcomes
- Understand the institutional and structural barriers that lawyers of color face
- Identify systems and structures within your organization that may impede the success of lawyers of color and reinforce the status quo
- Learn a step-by-step process and crowd-sourced ideas to remove or mitigate the effects of the impediments and accelerate the advancement of lawyers of color