Dr. Tamara Fletcher – The Forum on Workplace Inclusion

Company: CDW
Role: Session Presenter

Tamara Fletcher, PhD, is director of Global DEI Advancement at CDW, where she leads the CDW strategic DEI efforts. She engages leadership in their commitment and involvement of DEI, develops and facilitates DEI education and awareness strategies, designs and develops CDW’s DEI communication strategies, and leads organizational projects designed to attract, retain, engage, and mobilize diverse talent. Additionally, she is responsible for CDW global DEI strategy and serves as a DEI business partner to executives. Lastly, she also maintains strategic oversight of CDW’s eight business resource groups (BRGs).

Tamara began her CDW career in 2005 as an account manager within the CDW-Government State and Local segment. After a year in sales, she joined the Sales Operations division where she quickly advanced into leadership as supervisor of the CDW Account Manager Sales Assistant Program. In 2011, she was promoted to Sales Support manager, where she became responsible for the administrative support of CDW’s entire sales organization. She has been in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion since 2013.

Tamara graduated from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, with a bachelor’s degree in chemistry in 2005. She obtained her Master of Business Administration from Indiana Wesleyan University in 2011. In 2016, she received her PhD in organizational leadership through the Business Psychology department of The Chicago School of Professional Psychology. Her dissertation was entitled “Beyond the Barriers: Exploring the Impact of Feedback on Breaking the Glass Ceiling for African American Women.” She is also a 2019 fellow of the Chicago Urban League’s IMPACT Development program.

Presently outside of work, she is a wife and mom of two young girls: Ryann, 3, and Reese, 1.

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