Jen Billig is the CEO of Align Consulting. She is a DEI consultant, strategist, and organizational change specialist with a consulting career that spans more than 20 years with her firm, Align Consulting, as well as Public Strategies Group, Unisys, and Arthur Andersen.
Jen’s leadership development and systems change work helps organizations align strategy, culture, and implementation for transformation that creates more equity, inclusion, and belonging. She uses a race-plus approach to build intercultural competency in individuals and to integrate DEI into organizations’ DNA. She is a Qualified Administrator of the Intercultural Development Inventory, a coach trained by the Coaches Training Institute, and an instructor of embodied meditation practices.
Her previous clients include The Denver Foundation, Mile High Business Alliance, U.S. Bank, the cities of Dallas, Texas, and San Jose, Calif., the U.S. Navy, the FBI, the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, Girls Inc. of Santa Fe, the Izaak Walton League, and several candidates for public office.