Justice Impacted – Workforce for Today – The Forum on Workplace Inclusion

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32nd Annual Conference

March 10-12, 2020

Minneapolis Convention Center, Minnesota

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Day 2

Session Code: S3-K
When: March 11, 2020
Location/Room: 200E
Level: Intermediate
Track: Social Responsibility
Presenters: Emily Baxter, We Are All Criminals  |  Jacquelyn Carpenter, Twin Cities R!SE  |  Kevin Lindsey, Minnesota Humanities Center  |  Molly Banal, Minnesota Department of Corrections

Millions of jobs in the United States are waiting to be filled. Employers seeking to get ahead of the competition are expanding their recruiting efforts to strategically pursue individuals with criminal records—and there are resources to help them navigate the channels. Join us for a crash course that weaves storytelling and first-person narrative with statistics, statutes and toolkits on criminal records, societal perceptions of criminality, collateral consequences, and programs available to support re-entry, so you make the smart business decision for your company.

This session is hosted by a unique team of advocates and experts: from attorneys who have assisted job seekers and employers with fair-hiring practices, to a director of career-tracks for people during incarceration, a business development director, and people with lived experiences in the field. We’re sure to have a robust, engaging and informative discussion!

Learning Outcomes
  • Gain new perspectives on crime, criminality, privilege, and punishment
  • Expand the narrative to include those who have lived experiences
  • Build awareness to inform future practices
  • Deepen our understanding of social responsibility in the era of mass incarceration

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