Laura Wendt – The Forum on Workplace Inclusion

Laura holds a PhD in Medical Psychology and Behavioral Immuno-biology and within her highly recognized Neuropsychology studies she has researched and taught unconscious biases, gender challenges in the work place and the role of underrepresented minorities for more than ten years. She is the author of several scientific papers, appearing in the handbook of experimental pharmacology as well.

As the global Manager of Diversity and Inclusion at A.T. Kearney she has developed dynamic bespoke Conscious Inclusion trainings helping industries worldwide to increase the application, promotion and retention rate of women and other underrepresented minorities. She is an international speaker who delivers unique approaches to help companies build a more diverse and productive work environment that attracts top talents and increases the motivation, satisfaction and engagement of employees.

She has formerly worked as a Strategy Consultant focusing on change management, communication, executive coaching and large-scale organizational and digital transformation mainly in chemical, automotive and pharmaceutical industries. She has also advised the public health sector in India to develop HR performance and job satisfaction measurement tools to improve processes for hospitals and medical practices. By combining her science and consultancy backgrounds, she brings a fresh and critical perspective that is much needed in today’s society.

Twitter: @Laura_R_Wendt
LinkedIn: Dr. Laura (Wünsch) Wendt

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